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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.UpdatePrefabDatabase">
Update the internal prefab database
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.CompileAssembly">
Run the Bolt Compiler to generate the Dynamic data
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.GenerateEntitySceneIDs">
List all Bolt Entities from the Scene and assing new Scene IDs for each one
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.InvokeOnMainThread(System.Action)">
Invoke the action in the main Thread by Enqueuing it for
execution on the Editor Update method
<param name="action"></param>
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.MoveFile(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
Utility to Move Files
<param name="from">Source file path</param>
<param name="to">Destination file path</param>
<param name="force">If the destination will be deleted before the move</param>
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.UpdateCloudConstant">
Setup "BOLT_CLOUD" constant as a Compiler flag on the current Build Target
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.AssignSceneId(BoltEntity)">
Assing a new Scene ID to a Bolt Entity component
<param name="entity">Entity to assing a new Scene ID</param>
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.EnableCompilerConstant(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,System.String)">
Enable a Compiler constant on the Player Settings
<param name="group">Build target where to enable the flag</param>
<param name="constantToEnable">Flag to enable</param>
<member name="M:BoltEditor.EditorUtility.DisableCompilerConstant(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,System.String)">
Disable a Compiler constant on the Player Settings
<param name="group">Build target where to disable the flag</param>
<param name="constantToDisable">Flag to disable</param>
<member name="T:Bolt.Editor.Utils.BoltLogExecutor">
This class will setup the BoltLog class using the current configuration
on the Bolt Settings. This will keep the logs appearing in Editor Mode,
but will totally disabled if the user prefers.
<member name="T:bolt.editor.Utils.ProviderManager">
Used to checkout files from a Source Code Provider, like Perforce when enabled
<see cref="!:"/>
The main behavior is enabled only if it's enabled in the Bolt Settings (<see cref="F:BoltRuntimeSettings.enableSourceProvider"/>)
<member name="M:bolt.editor.Utils.ProviderManager.Checkout(System.String[])">
Checkout all files specified on the paths list
If the Source Provider was properly configured, this method will checkout the file and set it as writable
<param name="paths">List of file paths to checkout</param>