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This is the last release of the beta cycle. Some breaking changes was introduced, please check the included migration tool for more info.
- Major re-haul of the blending system. This produce better looking shadow, especially for textured shadow.
- Added Screen blend mode. It's similar to Additive, but softer on bright background.
- Many 3rd party assets are now compatible without any additional integration. If you're using any custom integration code, please remove them.
- Shadow now fit tighter in some edge case.
- Shadow resolution now scale properly with Canvas Scaler setting.
- Fix compatibility with "Use 32-bit Display Buffer" option
- Shadow spread
- Minimize gap between shadows and caster.
- Fix canvas being dirtied when not needed.
- Fix script not compiling in certain setup
- Update documentation
- UI Text is now supported!
- Some minor fixes and optimizations
- Clean up: remove some buggy features, fix typos, improve wording
- Make shadow more visible by default
- Minor optimizations.
- Ground work on supporting additional types of Graphics (Text, SVG, 3rd parties)
- Fix editor problem on non-English OS
- Fix world space Z rotation
- Fix inset shadow offset artifact
- World Space Canvas is now supported. Rotated UI also work more correctly
- Allow enabling/disabling caster Graphic alpha affecting shadow
- Fix shadows being incorrectly generated when the caster Graphic is semi transparent
- Fix shadows being jaggy in certain case, including the demo scene
- Fix interaction between 0-size shadow and sprite mip-map
- Hide scene view gizmo
- Various minor fixes and improvements
- New: Inset shadows!
- Neumorphism!
- Helper script to make shadow inset when pressed
- New: Option to ignore shadow caster's color. This mean shadow can now be brighter than the shadow caster, for example, to emulate shiny edge
- New: Multiple shadows support! Just add more True Shadow component to a single UI
Checkout the Neumorphism demo scene to see the new features in action!
- Added Component icon
- Fix shadows being too small
- Many other bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fix shadow size calculation. As a result, shadow should no longer be clipped. But for real this time
- Fix 1 pixel gap between shadow and shadow caster that show up in certain cases
- Use border mip map for demo sprites to avoid artifact when shadow size is 0
- Fix nullref error when you delete True Shadow component
- Fix shadow size calculation. As a result, shadow should no longer be clipped
- Documentation button on True Shadow component now lead to the correct site instead of Unity's generic scripting page
- Some minor fixes and performance optimization
- Fix Shadow not show up immediately
- Fix Additive Blend mode