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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace LeTai.Effects
public class ScalableBlur : IBlurAlgorithm
Material material;
ScalableBlurConfig config;
const int BLUR_PASS = 0;
const int CROP_BLUR_PASS = 1;
Material Material
if (material == null)
Material = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/EfficientBlur"));
return material;
set => material = value;
if (!material) return;
if (Application.isPlaying)
public void Configure(BlurConfig config)
this.config = (ScalableBlurConfig) config;
public void Blur(CommandBuffer cmd,
RenderTargetIdentifier src,
Rect srcCropRegion,
RenderTexture target)
float radius = config.Radius;
Material.SetFloat(ShaderProperties.blurRadius, radius);
Material.SetVector(ShaderProperties.blurTextureCropRegion, srcCropRegion.ToMinMaxVector());
int firstDownsampleFactor = config.Iteration > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int stepCount = Mathf.Max(config.Iteration * 2 - 1, 1);
int firstIRT = ShaderProperties.intermediateRT[0];
CreateTempRenderTextureFrom(cmd, firstIRT, target, firstDownsampleFactor);
// cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(src, firstIRT, Material, CROP_BLUR_PASS);
cmd.Blit(src, firstIRT, Material, CROP_BLUR_PASS);
for (var i = 1; i < stepCount; i++)
BlurAtDepth(cmd, i, target);
// cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(ShaderProperties.intermediateRT[stepCount - 1], target, Material, BLUR_PASS);
cmd.Blit(ShaderProperties.intermediateRT[stepCount - 1], target, Material, BLUR_PASS);
CleanupIntermediateRT(cmd, stepCount);
protected virtual void BlurAtDepth(CommandBuffer cmd, int depth, RenderTexture baseTexture)
int sizeLevel = Utility.SimplePingPong(depth, config.Iteration - 1) + 1;
sizeLevel = Mathf.Min(sizeLevel, config.MaxDepth);
CreateTempRenderTextureFrom(cmd, ShaderProperties.intermediateRT[depth], baseTexture, sizeLevel);
// cmd.BlitFullscreenTriangle(
ShaderProperties.intermediateRT[depth - 1],
static void CreateTempRenderTextureFrom(CommandBuffer cmd,
int nameId,
RenderTexture src,
int downsampleFactor)
int w = src.width >> downsampleFactor; //= width / 2^downsample
int h = src.height >> downsampleFactor;
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(nameId, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, src.format);
static void CleanupIntermediateRT(CommandBuffer cmd, int amount)
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++)