Thanks for purchasing the Exo-planet pack ! Here are few notes concerning the asset : - The shader is fully customizable (for the planet + the atmosphere) If your scene is a close up one or taken from far away, I strongly suggest you to adapt the settings to achieve the best visual result. - In addition to the original 3D model, there is a low poly and high poly sphere at your disposal. - For each planet you have access to : - 2 Different night cities - 3 different clouds - 20 different set of textures - The size of the planet is by default pretty big, but feel free to downsize them. - By default , all planets are rotating, feel free to desactivate the animator component. - By default, the max size of textures is set to 2048px, feel free to set them to 4096 if you need a close up. Changelogs V2: - Planets now support point lights - Clouds are occluding cities - Can modify the atmosphere to be circular or not - Added an ambiant value if you need your planet to match the sky color - Shaders are now console and mobile ready V3: - 4 new hi res Planets - Improved shader - Additional shader without any reflection (named "Custom/No Reflections" ) In case if you are using scene cubemaps. - Weight of texture files has been significantly reduced (Might take some time on import tho)