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Faction Selection Menu, Caine Animation

laurids 3 years ago
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Name,Title,Faction,Level,Role,Ability 1 Name,Ability 1 A/P,Ability 1 Description,Ability 2 Name,Ability 2 A/P,Ability 2 Description,Finest Hour?,Trigger Finest Hour (Sternstunden),Finest Hour Description,Unlocked by
Krendel Celmoar,Lord Commander of the first Host,Caer Bannoq,2,C,Bane of Beasts,P,When Fighting against Subhumans gain Strengh,Traitor's End,P,Easier to find spys,YES,,,Caer Bannoq
Kerner Holg,Bannerlord,Caer Bannoq,1,C,Beastslayer,A,Damage boost wenn fighting ____,Raise the Banners,P,Recruiting Bonus,NO,,,Caer Bannoq
Lorazam,Firstborn General,Exan,3,C,Analyst Supreme,P,"Enemy units are revealed faster and less terrain debuffs,",Originality is key,A,,YES,Randomly,See the weaknesses of units so they will be tagetted by the most effective anti units. dumm es englisch ja!,Exan
Salaram,"Claw Captain ""The Ravager""",Exan,1,C,Between the treetops,P,Benefits to unit speed in jungle,,A,Units move faster to flank and back,,,,
Karakan,"Claw Captain ""The Raider""",Exan,1,C,Jungle Dweller,P,Benefits to cover etc in jungle + stealth,From the thicket,A,,NO,,,Exan
Mimey Cattai,Commander-In-Chief,Republic,3,C/F,FIUS Founder,P,"Loyalty Bonus, more taxes, faster change in hostile planets",Instigation,A,Decreases Loyalty of besieged Planets. May sometimes spawn groups of Partisans in enemy cities.,YES,,,Directly
Castor Caine,Captain,Republic,1,C,Improvise and Overcome,A,"Bonus of infantry against tanks, defence bonus in cities, stealth bonus in forests, jungles etc.",,A,Creates Command Squad ???,YES,Outnumbered and attacking,Gain Morale and Attack Bonus,Directly
Filey Cattai,Assassin,Republic,1,A,Your time has come,A,Assassinate enemy leader?,Ghostwalk,A,,NO,,,Rokurant Mission I
Varus Raukaan,Admiral,Republic,1,F,Emergency Training,P,Crew has advanced Defence Bonus for Boarding Actions,,P,,NO,,,Directly
Argon Breijin,Captain,Republic,1,F,Strike from the Storm,A,Deployment Bonus speed but quicker detection,Underrun and vanish,A,Retreat Bonus speed with less damage penalty,NO,,,Directly
Hyronimus Hoth,General,Republic,2,C,Winnow the Weak,A,Retreat and march with Damaged units / Sacrifice for big buff ode no cons (Edgy),War of Attrition,P,"Less attrition damage of any kind, especcially snow",NO,,,Tohs/Skaeld Empire
Marcus Patronus,Envoy,Republic,1,A,Spread the truth,A,Reveal something???,Trusted Advisor,P,Boosts Loyalty towards republic on foreign planets that arent hostile,NO,,,Rokurant Mission I
Cyban Paabs,Dominator/Arch Director,Rimspace,3,A,The Sence/Septence/Seventh Stratagem/Serpent,P,Reveal something???,The Final act dawns,A,,YES,,,Rimspace
Joruus So'lar,Warmaster,Rimspace,1,C/F,Blinding Light/Illuminate them,A,,The players/actors are assembled,P,,NO,,,Rimspace Mission I
Liandra Crohn,Chamberlain,Rimspace,1,C,A serpent's whisper,P,Reveal enemys positions,A snake in the garden,A,,NO,,,Rimspace
Seev'Tration,Captain,Rokurant,2,C/F,Supplyer Extraordinaire,P,"Units can hold 5 percent more ammo and food, Transporters 10, Speed of Transporters is enhanced",Sworn Attacker,P,,YES,,,Rokurant
Volkmar,High Chancellor,Rokurant,3,A,Invoke Prejudice,A,"Recruits cooldown is halved for a time, after which there is a negative effect of 25 percent",Bolster Production,A,Increases the output of all factories,YES,After prducing x number of stuff,,Rokurant
Vladislav Raginis,Admiral,Sartorius,1,F,Hardened Veteran,P,,Are you questioning me?,P,,NO,,,Sartorius
Varrius Praahl,Count Opnizev,Sartorius,2,C,Gold doesn't lie,A,Enemy Low Tier Units with low morale can be bought by chance after triggering the effect ,Pay my price,P,,YES,,,Sartorius
Caras Enceladon,General,Voteine,2,C/F,There shall be peace,P,,The Way of the Shield,A,,NO,,,Voteine
Kat Teska,Captain,Voteine,2,C/F,Ebb and Flow,A,Withdrawal is faster and less troops get damaged,The Way of the Sword,A,,YES,,,Voteine
Brockman,"General ""The Flayer""",Wythler,3,C,War Must Feed itself,P,Conquered cities refill a large part of the attacking army's supplies at the cost of the conquered city's loyalty.,Conscription by Force,A,Instantly spawns several Conscript units while damaging loyalty.,YES,Outnumbering the enemy 2 to 1,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:
Moris Wyerly,-,Wythler,3,C/F,Subjugator,P,"Production is doubled, units deal __ more damage, ...",Precognition,A,"Subjugator is paused, reveal Cattai, alle Phase lanes, Truppenstärken auf Planeten sehen,",YES,,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:
Munkhtuur,Khaptan Boyar,Wythler,1,F,Ravaging Parties,A,"When present of a planet or in space, all facilites and stations get a debuff, low chance of conquering or spawning a troop",,P,,NO,,,Directly
Sarrow,"Shadow Agent ""The Shadow""",Wythler,1,A,For whome the bell tolls,A,Enemy leader gets damaged; army veterancy bonus disabled,Your'e in my sight,P,Removes an enemy infantry unit / damages an arbitrary unit,NO,,,Directly
Darkex,Shadow Agent,Wythler,1,A,A talent for murder,A,Increases damage against leaders and specialist squads for a time???,Leave no Witness,P,Decreases Damage of already damaged units,NO,,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:
Soka,Shadow Agent,Wythler,1,A,War in the Shadows,P,Spawns troops randomly and give them stealth?,Murder made history,P,After killing a commander get stealthed and a speed bonus.,NO,,,The new Power II
Nudo P'ta,General,Wythler,3,C/F,Dominate / Overwhelm them ,A,,All walls come down,P,Damage against structures and defending units,YES,Last remaining city on planet is besieged,,A new Way of War/Death of Brockman
Sukhbataar,Khan,Wythler,2,C/F,My loyalty in Iron,P,Overwhelming morale bonus for Wythler units. Small morale malus for conscripted non-Wythler units.,The Fallen Throne,P,Bonus to Elite Units,YES,,,Choice 1
Dzhambul,Khan,Wythler,2,C/F,Hunt them down,A,,The Reckoning,A,Restore Morale and Attack,YES,Recover troops and strike harder,,Choice 2
Batukhan,Khan,Wythler,2,C/F,Ride like the wind,A,"For this turn, all units in the army attack first.",Where the wild winds blow,P,"Speed Bonus, Bonus to Hovercrafts",YES,,,Choice 3
Gharunguur,"""The Bone Grinder""",Wythler,1,C,Marked for Censure,A,Destroys wavering troop for attack bonus of all others,Gewaltmarsch,P,"Speed Bonus, Costs lives",NO,,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:
Sarv Te'kal,Kaptan,Yarkassy,1,C,Dunerider,P,Less vehicle debuff in deserts,Oathkeeper/Valiant Defender,P,,YES,Outnumbered and defending,Gain Morale and Defence Bonus,Directly
Weser Teng,Admiral,Yarkassy,1,F,Stormlander,P,30% faster landind speed from orbit,,P,,NO,,,Yar'Kassy Defiant
Lahit Lazar,Fleet Kaptan,Yarkassy,1,F,Thrust of the Sunspear,A,"Increases Attack of all Yarkassy Ships in Fleet, but makes them vulnerable",,P,,NO,,,Yar'Kassy Defiant
Karkaah,The Outcast,Republic,1,A,Teller of truth,P,Reveal enemy commander and unit with most HP,It's all a lie,A,,NO,,,Traitors!
Fleier Hostedd,First Regent,Elysia,2,C,Unwavering,P,Morale Bonus to all Elysian Units,Brush off what clutters,A,,NO,,,Elysia
Aymen Caruso,Captain,Elysia,1,C/F,See through their lies,A,"Reveal (spy, hidden units, traitors, ...)",Judgement has arrived,A,,NO,,,Elysia
Or Rhmoy,Techlord,Zami,1,C,I am Apotheosis!,P,Buff?,Total Control,A,Removes debuffs from Zami units,NO,,,Zami
Tyr Antiklos,Technarch,Zami,2,C,Keeper of Secrets,A,(re)Hide 4 units and reveal 2,An Ancient's Prowess,P,,NO,,,Zami Mission I
Tybor Watt,Technarch,Zami,1,C,Clonelord,A,"Opening the vaults? Wird das getriggert, vllt lieber ein Event wo er auf Zami 2 ist...",The endless horde,P,Recruitment Bonus for Zami troops,NO,,,Zami
Oberon,Vargheis,Inobria,1,C,Welcome to my world of darkness,A,Decreases Sight and uncover propability,From the shadows / I am your worst nightmare / That which lurks below,P,"Stealth Bonus to infantry, etc",NO,,,Inobria
Learnean Vern,Freekorps Captain,Vesparus,1,C,Vesparus! For freedom or death especcially on Vespraurs / The glass turns the grains fall,A,"Speed Bonus, Attack Bonus, Damage penalty",In His Memory,P,Loyalty Bonus ,NO,,,The legend spreads
Urluck Ull,Cephalot of the Depths,Noser,2,C,From the Depth,A,On worlds with water cover bonus?,Still waters run deep,P,Secrecy Bonus to Feldlager Units,NO,,,Noser
Kvig Scroohl/Jeg Chaq/ Nith Knirves,First Trade Guild Governor,Arca,1,C,Incentivise,A,Spend Credits to boost morale,All that gold could buy,P,Spend Credits to decrease attack probablity and morale,NO,,,Arca
Naharis,Lord Keeper,Amothep,1,C,,,,,,,NO,,,
Mauth Tinkeelz,?,Cazoon,1,A,Let me tell you a story,A,,From a certain point of view,A,,NO,,,Spice
Name,Title,Faction,Level,Role,Ability 1 Name,Ability 1 A/P,Ability 1 Description,Ability 2 Name,Ability 2 A/P,Ability 2 Description,Finest Hour?,Trigger Finest Hour (Sternstunden),Finest Hour Description,VoiceLine,Unlocked by,Description
Krendel Celmoar,Lord Commander of the first Host,Caer Bannoq,2,C,Bane of Beasts,P,When Fighting against Subhumans gain Strengh,Traitor's End,P,Easier to find spys,YES,,,"""I will cut you half""",Caer Bannoq,"Known for his martial prowess and skill as a tactitian, Celmoar, Duke of the Spiked Keep and Lord Commander of the First Host leads the Forces of Caer Bannoq in the eternal hunt."
Kerner Holg,Bannerlord,Caer Bannoq,1,C,Beastslayer,A,Damage boost wenn fighting ____,Raise the Banners,P,Recruiting Bonus,NO,,,"""I have faced more fearsome foes""",Caer Bannoq,"Kerner Holg, Bannerlord to Lord Celmoar and cunning Hunter has proven his value in the great Hunt many times. His achievements in Slaying the many dangers that the forests of Caer Bannoq hold made Holg to a legend and his soldiers refer to him by his honorary titel of Beastslayer."
Lorazam,Firstborn General,Exan,3,C,Analyst Supreme,P,"Enemy units are revealed faster and less terrain debuffs,",Originality is key,A,,YES,Randomly,See the weaknesses of units so they will be tagetted by the most effective anti units. dumm es englisch ja!,"""You will be the architect of your own destruction""",Exan,Being the Firstborn in a longlasting line of High-Exan
Salaram,"Claw Captain ""The Ravager""",Exan,1,C,Between the treetops,P,Benefits to unit speed in jungle,Outflank,A,Units move faster to flank and back,,,,,Exan,
Karakan,"Claw Captain ""The Raider""",Exan,1,C,Jungle Dweller,P,Benefits to cover etc in jungle + stealth,From the thicket,A,,NO,,,"""My claws are sharp""",Exan,
Mimey Cattai,Commander-In-Chief,Republic Remnants,3,C/F,FIUS Founder,P,"Loyalty Bonus, more taxes, faster change in hostile planets",Instigation,A,Decreases Loyalty of besieged Planets. May sometimes spawn groups of Partisans in enemy cities.,YES,,,"""There will be peace in the end""",Directly,
Castor Caine,Captain,Republic Remnants,1,C,Improvise and Overcome,A,"Bonus of infantry against tanks, defence bonus in cities, stealth bonus in forests, jungles etc.","Nun bin auch ich ein Ackermann geworden, Alte Kämpfer",A,Creates Command Squad ???,YES,Outnumbered and attacking,Gain Morale and Attack Bonus,"""We will always find the way to win""",Directly,"The sole survivor of the Shanton Incident, the first military event that sparked the Flames of War, Castor Caine, once a farmerson from Vesparus leads his task forces into battle on many fronts of the Republic Remnants. He is known for his swift and covert tactics and his Hit and Run Tactics, he excels as an infantry commander and has pledged his allegiances to the ""Cattais Reserve Army"" Splinter Group. As his renown grows so do his tasks. But up to the retreat from the Arnough Field Base he was able to improvise and overcome all the threats the war had for him."
Filey Cattai,Assassin,Republic Remnants,1,A,Your time has come,A,Assassinate enemy leader?,Ghostwalk,A,,NO,,,,Rokurant Mission I,"Recruited from amongst the Warriors of Clan Cattai, Filey Cattai operates as an agent and personal aid to Mimey Cattai. Her prowess with using exquisite and specialicized spy equipment make her a cunning agent in service of the republic remnants. With the death of Volkmar no witness is left to tell of Fileys role in the critical part in the overthrough of Rokurants old government,"
Varus Raukaan,Admiral,Republic Remnants,1,F,Emergency Training,P,Crew has advanced Defence Bonus for Boarding Actions,Reeavaluate the situation,P,,NO,,,,Directly,
Argon Breijin,Captain,Republic Remnants,1,F,Strike from the Storm,A,Deployment Bonus speed but quicker detection,Underrun and vanish,A,Retreat Bonus speed with less damage penalty,NO,,,"""If we wont win today we will win tomorrow""",Directly,
Hyronimus Hoth,General,Republic Secundus,2,C,Winnow the Weak,A,Retreat and march with Damaged units / Sacrifice for big buff ode no cons (Edgy),"War of Attrition, To the bitter end",P,"Less attrition damage of any kind, especcially snow",NO,,,"""My heart turned to stone long ago"" / ""Only a cold heart beats in my chest""",Tohs/Skaeld Empire,"General of the 17th Combined Army a gruesome and relentless delay battle on the ice world of Tohs turned Hoths Heart into stone. High Senator Borsk idealized Hoths stratigic prowess and skill in combat, while beeing wilfully ignorant of his harrowing past. Republic Secundis eastern boarder was guarded by Hoths Iron Guard until the sin of succession was finally atoned for. "
Struth Karmon,First Councilman,Republic Secundus,1,A,Reborn from Ruins,,,Secessionist,P,,,,,,,
Marcus Patronus,Envoy,Republic Remnants,1,A,Who wants to know of the truth today,A,Reveal something???,Trusted Advisor,P,Boosts Loyalty towards republic on foreign planets that arent hostile,NO,,,,Rokurant Mission I,Highly esteemed Envoy Marcus Patronus was among the refugees that The Splinter Fleet under the command of Mimey Cattai resuced shortly after the battle of Arnough. His diplomatic skill was quickly recognised in the liberation of Kotpimmelland. He was escorted by the agent Filey Cattai
Caleb Ardaz,The Stonemason,Republic in Exile,1,C,Stone and Steel,P,Quicker Fortification in City,,P,,NO,,,,,
Sadras Kype,High Consul,Republic in Exile,2,C,Unbroken Continuity,,,Bulwark of the old Order,P,,,,,,,
Cyban Paabs,Dominator/Arch Director,Rimspace,3,A,The Sence/Septence/Seventh Stratagem/Serpent,P,Reveal something???,The Final act dawns,A,,YES,,,"""It's all coming together""",Rimspace,
Joruus So'lar,Warmaster,Rimspace,1,C/F,Illuminate them,A,,The actors are assembled,P,,NO,,,,Rimspace Mission I,
Liandra Crohn,Chamberlain,Rimspace,1,C,A serpent's whisper,P,Reveal enemys positions,A snake in the garden,A,,NO,,,"""Prepare to be illuminated""",Rimspace,"Liandra Crohn, formally known as Princess Liandra Aurelia, Daughter of Lady Contance Aurelia was the heir to the throne of Rythion. A strange bidding from beyond the stars called changed her lifes trayectory for ever. Fleeing her old live she departed and sailed the stars for the western reaches. She was guided on her way to finally arrive at the Rimspace Cult Station. After the death of Krangadal she has become the Chamberlain and is known as the seventh serpent."
Seev'Tration,Captain,Rokurant,2,C/F,Supplyer Extraordinaire,P,"Units can hold 5 percent more ammo and food, Transporters 10, Speed of Transporters is enhanced",Sworn Attacker,P,,YES,,,,Rokurant ,Young and hot headed Seev Tration is a military commander. He was among the last students of Volkmar and in his memory achieved victories in the great offensive. His commanding skills made him Commander of the 2nd Grand Fleet.
Volckmar,High Chancellor,Rokurant,3,A,Invoke Prejudice,A,"Recruits cooldown is halved for a time, after which there is a negative effect of 25 percent",Bolster Production,A,Increases the output of all factories,YES,After prducing x number of stuff,,"""My plans are flawless""",Rokurant ,
Vladislav Raginis,Admiral,Sartorius,1,F,Hardened Veteran,P,,Are you questioning me?,P,,NO,,,,Sartorius,
Varrius Praahl,Count Opnizev,Sartorius,2,C,Gold doesn't lie,A,Enemy Low Tier Units with low morale can be bought by chance after triggering the effect ,Pay my price,P,,YES,,,"""I could buy you for a credit""",Sartorius,"Count Opniziev of Sartorius Rax, the old Varrius Praahl is a nasty and unwelcoming specimen. With his near limitless power on the world of Sartorius Rax he rules over his subordinates with cunning."
Caras Enceladon,General,Voteine,2,C/F,There shall be peace,P,,The Way of the Shield,A,,NO,,,,Voteine ,
Kat Teska,Captain,Voteine,2,C/F,Ebb and Flow,A,Withdrawal is faster and less troops get damaged,The Way of the Sword,A,,YES,,,"""When words fail, there will be war""",Voteine ,
Keit Ti,Captain,Voteine,2,C/F,Sun and Moon,A,,The Way of the Spear,A,,YES,,,,Voteine ,
Brockman,The Exile / The Horned One,Wythler,3,C,War Must Feed itself,P,Conquered cities refill a large part of the attacking army's supplies at the cost of the conquered city's loyalty.,Conscription by Force,A,Instantly spawns several Conscript units while damaging loyalty.,YES,Outnumbering the enemy 2 to 1,,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:,"Originating from a distant world in the Gargamont Cluster. General Brockman is one of Wyerlys most trusted commanders. He leads the newly formed Grand Army with Eficiant Brutality. He is spending his troops with no remorse. Turning warfare into a calucaltation is part of his distanced style of command. He is neither a warrior nor an artist of war. Blut clad in his simple grey coat his voice is death sentence to millions of soldier along the fronts of war. No life matters no deaths are important. The only thing that matters is victory, true victory."
Moris Wyerly,-,Wythler,3,C/F,Subjugator,P,"Production is doubled, units deal __ more damage, ...",Precognition,A,"Subjugator is paused, reveal Cattai, alle Phase lanes, Truppenstärken auf Planeten sehen,",YES,,,,An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:,"At the heart of the Dominion, at the head of the command chain and the Overlord of dozens of systems Moris Wyerly, the Dominator is an unchallenged ruler."
Munkhtuur,Khaptan Boyar,"""The Vengeful"" Wythler Dominion ",1,F,Ravaging Parties,A,"When present of a planet or in space, all facilites and stations get a debuff, low chance of conquering or spawning a troop",,P,,NO,,,"""You're ripe for the taking""",Directly,
Sarrow,"Shadow Agent ""The Shadow""",Wythler,1,A,For whome the bell tolls,A,Enemy leader gets damaged; army veterancy bonus disabled,Your'e in my sight,P,Removes an enemy infantry unit / damages an arbitrary unit,NO,,,"""...""",Directly,"The silent death in the darkness. Agent Sarrow, the shadow, lurks in the cornsers of his Masters Foes and has claimed more deeaths than any other of Wyerlys henchmen ,"
Darkex,Shadow Agent,Wythler,1,A,A talent for murder,A,Increases damage against leaders and specialist squads for a time???,Leave no Witness,P,Decreases Damage of already damaged units,NO,,,"""Blades out!""",An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:,
Soka,Shadow Agent,Wythler,1,A,War in the Shadows,P,Spawns troops randomly and give them stealth?,Murder made history,P,After killing a commander get stealthed and a speed bonus.,NO,,,,The new Power II,
Sukhbataar,Khan,"""The Mournful"" Wythler Dominion",2,C/F,My loyalty in Iron,P,Overwhelming morale bonus for Wythler units. Small morale malus for conscripted non-Wythler units.,The Fallen Throne,P,Bonus to Elite Units,YES,,,"""Your end is upon us""",Choice 1,Loyalist
Dzhambul,Khan,"""The Vengeful"" Wythler Dominion ",2,C/F,Hunt them down,A,,The Reckoning,A,Restore Morale and Attack,YES,Recover troops and strike harder,,"""Noone shall escape me!""",Choice 2,
Batukan,Khan,"""The Fateful"" Wythler Dominion ",2,C/F,Ride like the wind,A,"For this turn, all units in the army attack first.",Where the wild winds blow,P,"Speed Bonus, Bonus to Hovercrafts",YES,,,"""We will have our revenge!""",Choice 3,Attacks the Helion Ring Cluster
Garun Graga,"""The Bone Grinder""",Wythler,1,C,Marked for Censure,A,Destroys wavering troop for attack bonus of all others,Gewaltmarsch,P,"Speed Bonus, Costs lives",NO,,,"""Deaths mean nothing to me""",An Empire's End / Birth of the Dominion:,
Sarv Te'kal,Kaptan,Yarkassy,1,C,Dunerider,P,Less vehicle debuff in deserts,Oathkeeper/Valiant Defender,P,,YES,Outnumbered and defending,Gain Morale and Defence Bonus,,Directly,"Close friend of Loratha Cattai and commander of the YarKassy Desert Raiders that fought alongside the Reserve Army in the battle of the Red Moon, Sarv Tekal has become the mentor of Caine and Mimey as he joined their force after the fall of the Republic Government, He accompainies them on their way through the Remnants and his advice is seen as a great gift by both Caine and Cattai. He is a lodge member."
Weser Teng,Admiral,Yarkassy,1,F,Stormlander,P,30% faster landind speed from orbit,,P,,NO,,,,Yar'Kassy Defiant,
Lahit La'zar,Fleet Kaptan,Yarkassy,1,F,Thrust of the Sunspear,A,"Increases Attack of all Yarkassy Ships in Fleet, but makes them vulnerable",,P,,NO,,,,Yar'Kassy Defiant,
Karkaah,The Outcast,Republic,1,A,Teller of truth,P,Reveal enemy commander and unit with most HP,It's all a lie,A,,NO,,,"""I see through your lies""",Traitors!,"Knowing more about the Creation and the Creator of the Dominion than anyone else, Karkaah, a Wytler herself fled to the Republic Regions after the Reclamation Force of Niggerman was crushed by Wyerlys Trairor Forrces."
Fleier Hostedd,First Regent,Elysia,2,C,Unwavering,P,Morale Bonus to all Elysian Units,Brush off what clutters,A,,NO,,,"""My road to victory is open""",Elysia,
Aymen Caruso,Captain,Elysia,1,C/F,See through their lies,A,"Reveal (spy, hidden units, traitors, ...)",Judgement has arrived,A,,NO,,,"""I am superior to you""",Elysia,
Nudo P'ta,Warmaster,Zami,3,C/F,Overwhelm them ,A,,All walls come down,P,Damage against structures and defending units,YES,Last remaining city on planet is besieged,,,A new Way of War/Death of Brockman,Rebirth
Or Rhmoy,Techlord,Zami,1,C,I am Apotheosis!,P,Buff?,Total Control / Neural Cleansing,A,Removes debuffs from Zami units,NO,,,,Zami,
Tyr Antiklos,Technarch,Zami,2,C,Keeper of Secrets,A,(re)Hide 4 units and reveal 2,An Ancient's Prowess,P,,NO,,,"""A free man has a choice, and you had yours""",Zami Mission I,
Tybor Watt,Technarch,Zami,1,C,Clonelord,A,"Opening the vaults? Wird das getriggert, vllt lieber ein Event wo er auf Zami 2 ist...",The endless horde,P,Recruitment Bonus for Zami troops,NO,,,"""Prepare to be lobotomized""",Zami,
Oberon,Vargheis,Inobria,1,C,In Midnight Clad,A,Decreases Sight and uncover propability,From the shadows / I am your worst nightmare / That which lurks below,P,"Stealth Bonus to infantry, etc",NO,,,"""Fear me, for I am fear incarnate!""",Inobria,"Under swirling grey clouds, raging electrical storms and kilometre-thick stone, Vargheis Oberon of Inobria sits upon a throne that was once a simple administrator’s chair. It is hard to believe that this sinister place, where darkness and superstition fill the minds of the populace and light is almost considered heresy, was once a regular mining colony, until a violent revolution overthrew the governors and all contact to the Republic – and to civilization - was cut off. All attempts to parley with Inobria have been met with scorn, and no one can say which side in the galactic conflict they will end up on, if any. Oberon, for his part, revels in the darkness and the uncertainty, and there are some that believe him mad – but what is madness truly, in such a place where all guiding light is so far out of reach?"
Learnean Vern / Harrm Wulf ,Freekorps Captain,Vesparus,1,C,"The glass turns, the grains fall",A,"Speed Bonus, Attack Bonus, Damage penalty",In His Memory,P,Loyalty Bonus ,NO,,,"""Vesparus! For freedom or death!""",The legend spreads,"Learnean Vern, son of the Mayor of Vesparus' mountainside Town of Verna, was quick to pick up arms and enlist in one of Vernas two Voluntary Formations, known as the ""Freekorps"". Due to his humble upbringing he was quick to rise to the rank of a Freekorps Commander and now leads the Voluntairs from Vesparus into battle. In memory of him, he and his men have sworn to fight and die, so that Vesparus freedom will be certain for ever."
Urluck Ull,Cephalot of the Depths,Noser,2,C,From the Depth,A,On worlds with water cover bonus?,Still waters run deep,P,Secrecy Bonus to Feldlager Units,NO,,,,Noser,"The King in the Depth, grandson of Urluck the Great, Ull is the third ruler of Noser whose Kingdom resides in their underwater keeps. He has tried to keep his people out of the great war, but as soon as note came, that Khanate Troops were conquering the Helion Ring Cluster he openend diplomatic contact. Now the algae factories production serves the Dominions War Effort."
Kvig Scroohl,First Trade Guild Governor,Arca,1,C,Incentivise,A,Spend Credits to boost morale,All that gold could buy,P,Spend Credits to decrease attack probablity and morale,NO,,,,Arca,
Naharis,Lord Keeper,Amothep,1,C,Duplicity,A,,The guiding light,P,Frühwarnsystem,NO,,,,,
Constance Aurelia,Queen,Ehrleen,1,A,Ruling the Realms,A,,,P,,NO,,,,,
Pestage Gorod,Knight Commander of the Royal Guard,Ehrleen,1,C,Fighting for a lost cause is an ideal of itself,A,,My stance is clear,P,,NO,,,,,
Coulain'Coer,Count Marshal,Ehrleen,1,A,Blood of the patriots,A,,,P,,NO,,,,,
Mauth Tinkeelz,Clan Orator,Cazoon,1,A,Let me tell you a story,A,,From a certain point of view,A,,NO,,,,Spice,
Face Generator for Generic Heroes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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private int selected = 0;
public void Select(int s)
selected = s;
for(int i = 0; i < Displays.Length; i++)
public void StartGame()

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