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Unit Icons, Loading Screen Texts

laurids 2 years ago
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/Database/LoadingScreenTexts.csv View File

@ -11,4 +11,24 @@ Mimey Catai left her homeworld of Spice when she was still a child to seek her f
"As the identity of the Republic Remnants' first front-line fighter became known outside the battlefield, inspired farmers on his homeworld of Vesparus banded together in so-called Free Corps.","Als die Identität des ersten Frontkämpfers der Republic Remnants auch außerhalb des Kampfgebietes bekannt wurde, schlossen sich inspirierte Farmer seiner Heimatwelt Vesparus in sogenannten Freikorps zusammen."
"For generations, explorers and cult members of the Veil have lived on Rimspace Station. With the beginning of the Great War, the Veil also seems to be undergoing change. Was the wait perhaps not in vain after all?",Schon seit Generationen leben Forscher und Kultmitglieder des Veils auf der Rimspace Station. Mit Beginn des großen Krieges scheint auch der Veil in der Veränderung begriffen zu sein. War das Warten vielleicht doch nicht vergebens?
"The Wythler army was once considered an elite and brilliant force. After he came to power, everything was to change.",Die Armee der Wythler galt einst als eine elitäre und glänzvolle Macht. Nach seiner Machtübernahme sollte sich alles ändern.
"Alone in the open, the soldiers of the invisible front are acting away from the battlefields of the great war. However, their importance was to become dramatically apparent even before its end.",Allein auf weiter Flur sind die Soldaten der unsichtbaren Front abseits der Schlachtfelder des großen Krieges aktiv. Ihre Wichtigkeit sollte sich jedoch noch vor seinem Ende auf dramatische Weise zeigen.
"Alone and secluded, the soldiers of the invisible front are fighting far beyond the battlefields of the great war. However, their importance was to become dramatically apparent even before its end.",Allein auf weiter Flur sind die Soldaten der unsichtbaren Front abseits der Schlachtfelder des großen Krieges aktiv. Ihre Wichtigkeit sollte sich jedoch noch vor seinem Ende auf dramatische Weise zeigen.
"While other systems crash and burn under the sieges following the Dominions Encirclement, Ehrlen and its loyal defenders are not willing to let go of their sovereignity, this steadyness will be put to the test when an upstart diplomat starts to make amends.",
"Acting as the de-facto capitol of the exiled Republic Senate, Hera-Synt would be made into a fortress by skilled masons and artisants of stone. But what defence does a wall offer when the enemy seems to be within?",
"Which Army, which Fleet has ever stood steadfast against intrigue and subdifuge? How proud and loyal will it stay when it is stripped of the foundations and the very beliefs that made it such a capable force?",
"She is a rising star in the eyes of many, golden in heart and cunning in mind, but how high can a star rise before it falls?",
"To surround yourself with killers and thiefs has always been viewed as dishonorable, but how much are these beliefs whorth when there is an empire at stake?",
"<i>We are the last remaining fighters to stand with the Republic, we will liberate it or perish with it.</i> - C.Caine","Wir sind die letzten Kämpfer die noch zur Republik stehen, wir werden sie befreien oder mit ihr untergehen. - C.Caine"
"<i>Old Fighters</i>, <i>Battlegroup Caine</i> - these and many other names have been given to the Remnant splinter group which formed after the Red Moon incident.",
,Wie es uns Volckmar gelehrt hat
"Just don't fall out of the saddle. Never lose sight of the horizon. My hands are getting numb, the reins are threatening to slip away - just don't fall out of the saddle. One day, the earth will one be my home, but that day is still far away. Just don't fall out of the saddle.","Nur nicht aus dem Sattel fallen, den Horizont nie aus den Augen verlierend, meine Hände werden taub, die Leinen drohen mir zu entgleiten, nur nicht aus dem Sattel fallen, die Erde wird einst mein Heim, doch dieser Tag ist noch fern, nur nicht aus dem Sattel fallen."
"When all hope was lost and defeat seemed inevitable, the farmers of Koleen erected a large tombstone in memory of the lost 32nd Storm Group and their Captain Castor Caine. 6 months later, when the dust of the battle had long since settled, the lost Captain was to return to Koleen, witnessing the honour that was posthumously granted to him, and all grief and mourning blew away like leafs in the wind.","Als alle Hoffnung verloren war und die Niederlage unausweichlich schien, errichteten die Bauern von Koleen einen großen Grabstein zum Gedenken an die verlorene 32nd Storm Group und ihren Captain Castor Caine. Sechs Monate später, als sich der Staub der Schlacht längst gelegt hatte, kehrte der verlorene Hauptmann nach Koleen zurück und wurde Zeuge der Ehre, die ihm posthum zuteil wurde, und alle Trauer verwehte wie Blätter im Wind."
"<i>Six divided since One forgotten - on One returning be Six reunited.</i> - From <i>The Seventh Stratagem</i>, chapter XVII",
Seven is the Number.,
"<i>It thus seems to me that, if Reason fails due to lack of information, Intuition must suffice; and through this line of thought I have found remarkable conclusions with, I fear, grave consequences for the future of our Republic.</i> - from the memoirs of General Leretha Catai",
"When the formerly isolationist world of Rokurant amassed a string of decisive victories right after joining the war, friend and foe alike were left in astonishment. How their new leader managed to predict and prepare for the oncoming conflict this early will likely never be known.",
"The King and nobility of Noser felt safe in their fortress at the bottom of the world's ocean. However, through ingenuity and the brutal demands of war, it was proven that even the most formidable defenses can be laid low with enough preparation.",
"Among the warlords and crime syndicates of Gargamond and its seven moons, there were some who feared that one day, their rule might be broken by a regime even more brutal. But none of them envisioned that their undoing was already dwelling in their realm, waiting for his time.",
"Sartorius Rax, filled with greed, corruption and decay, is looked at with scorn by most of the civilized Galaxy. But the Number is still present in much of its history, and only few know that once, it was part of something far greater.",
"The endless battles that have been fought over Sumpa, never breaking the eternal stalemate, call into question whether it is truly the planet's resources that are at stake, or whether this war is only fought for its own sake. Or could there perhaps be another reason why the Dominion seems so intent to not let the world fall into enemy hands?",
"<i>The King may sit on his throne, but the Serpent lairs in the desert.</i> - Saying of the Ghar Haclem of Yar'kassy",

+ 191
- 189
Assets/GWConquest/Resources/Database/Units.csv View File

@ -1,189 +1,191 @@
Full Name,Short Name,Factory Type,Unit Type,Hitpoints,Attack Count,Damage,Penetration,Accuracy,Armour,Shields,Shield Regeneration,Evasion,Movement,Equipment Slots,Inventory Slots,Morale,Fuel Capacity,Food Capacity,Supplies Capacity,Defence Bonus,Abilities,Credit Cost,Recruit Cost,Supplies Cost,Fuel Cost,Food Cost,Build Time,Credit Upkeep,Supply Upkeep,Food Upkeep,Description
Anti Tank Gun,AntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,30,1,18,5,0.8,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,285,15,37,0,10,57,"28,5","3,7","1,5",The AT Gun is a solid defence against light and medium tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Artillery Gun,ArtilleryGun,Armour,Artillery,24,1,22,1,0.4,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,185,12,22,0,10,37,"18,5","2,2","1,5",The Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on unprotected infantry and unarmored vehicles. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Artillery Tank,ArtilleryTank,Armour,Artillery,60,1,22,1,0.5,1,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,375,12,26,0,10,75,"37,5","2,6","1,5",The Artillery Tank encompasses the mobility and armor of a medium tank and is armed with an artillery cannon that can bombard enemy positions. Beware enemy tanks and AT guns.
Flak Cannon,FlakCannon,Armour,Cannon,20,6,5,0.5,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,220,15,33,0,10,44,22,"3,3","1,5",The Flak Cannon is nececity for keeping the air space secure be it on the battlefield or in the camp. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Flak Truck,FlakTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,5,3,2,0.6,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,170,10,13,17,15,34,17,"1,3",1,The Flak Truck combines the mobility of an unarmored vehicle with the anti-air capabilites of the flak cannon. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Tekki Truck,TekkiTruck,City,Vehicle,20,1,6,2,0.4,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,140,10,7,14,15,28,14,"0,7",1,The Tekki Truck is crewed by a team of tankhunters that mounted their anti material rifle on the cars back. This quickly assembled unit can be an effective counter to lightly armored vehicles but quickly withers away in prolongued fights. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Anti Tank Truck,AntiTankTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,1,8,3,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,165,10,12,17,15,33,"16,5","1,2",1,The AT Truck combines the mobility of an unarmored vehicle with the anti tank capabilities of the AT cannon. The AT Gun is a solid defence against armored vehicles that can also be a threat to light and medium tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Flak Halftrack,FlakHalftrack,Armour,Vehicle,20,5,5,0.5,0.65,1,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,200,10,18,20,15,40,20,"1,8","1,5",The Flak Halftrack combines the mobility of a lighlty armored vehicle with the anti-air capabilites of the flak cannon. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to flak fire and anti-tank weapons.
Heavy Anti Tank Gun,HeavyAntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,40,1,25,6,0.8,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,370,15,48,0,10,74,37,"4,8",1,The heavy AT Gun is a solid defence against medium tanks that can also be a threat to heavy tanks. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Heavy Artillery Gun,HeavyArtilleryGun,Armour,Cannon,35,1,30,1.5,0.4,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,260,15,23,0,10,52,26,"2,3",1,The heavy Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as light tanks and vehicles. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Heavy Rocket Artillery,HeavyRocketArtillery,Armour,Artillery,35,3,20,1.5,0.18,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,380,12,78,0,10,76,38,"7,8","1,5",The heavy Rocket Artillery can unleash a short but devastating barrage onto enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as light tanks and vehicles. This capability comes at the cost of cosistency and precision. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Heavy Tank,HeavyTank,Armour,Vehicle,120,1/4,15/4,4/2,0.6/0.6,4,0,0,0,2.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,725,10,17,73,15,145,"72,5","1,7","1,5",The heavy tank is the center piece of an armored assault. With its heavy armor it can withstand most AT calibers but can be outmaneuvred by faster tanks. Vulnerable only to big calibers.
Light Anti Tank Gun,LightAntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,20,2,8,3,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,200,15,26,0,10,40,20,"2,6",1,The light AT Gun is a solid defence against armored vehicles that can also be a threat to light tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Light Artillery Gun,LightArtilleryGun,Armour,Cannon,20,2,12,1,0.45,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,175,15,20,0,10,35,"17,5",2,"1,5",The light Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict damage on unprotected infantry and unarmored vehicles. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Light Tank,LightTank,Armour,Vehicle,60,3/5,5/4,2/1,0.6/0.6,2,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,385,10,13,39,15,77,"38,5","1,3",1,The light Tank is a maneuvable combat vehicle that can be a threat to all lightly armored vehicles but is easily outmatched by medium and heavy tanks. Vulnerable to AT fire of any kind.
Medium Tank,MediumTank,Armour,Vehicle,100,2/5,10/4,3/1,0.6/0.6,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,620,10,18,62,15,124,62,"1,8","1,5",The Medium Tank is the main battle tank of most armored formations as is a formidable foe to all smaller armored tanks and vehicles. When outnumbered a heavy tank can also be outmaneuvered by a group of medium tanks. A single medium tank always succombs to his bigger counterparts. Vulnerable to sustaint or heavy AT fire.
Rocket Artillery,RocketArtillery,Armour,Artillery,10,3,14,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,105,12,21,0,10,21,"10,5","2,1","1,5",The heavy Rocket Artillery can unleash a short barrage onto enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as unarmored ehicles. This capability comes at the cost of cosistency and precision. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Scout Vehicle,ScoutVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,40,4,4,1,0.7,1,0,0,0.3,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,280,10,14,28,15,56,28,"1,4","1,5",The scout vehicle is a lighly armored recon tank which is crewd by pioneers or scouts. With its ComSat uplink it can quickly transmit information about enemy movements back to base and conseal itself in woodlands or jungles. Vulnerable to flak and AT fire.
Super Heavy Artillery Gun,SuperHeavyArtilleryGun,Armour,Artillery,40,1,50,2,0.3,2,0,0,0,0.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,315,12,38,0,10,63,"31,5","3,8","1,5",The super heavy Artillery Gun is able to devastate enemy positions and can inflict earthshattering damage on any enemy units. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Super Heavy Tank,SuperHeavyTank,Armour,Vehicle,150,1/3,20/4,5/2,0.6/0.6,5,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,910,10,22,91,15,182,91,"2,2",2,"The super heavy tank is the undisputed king of the battlefield. With its tremendous armarments and its superior battle cannon it can turn even heavy tanks into smithering wrecks. This comes at the price of flexibility, speed and ease of repair. Vulnerable only to the strongest guns in the enemys arsenal."
Support Vehicle,SupportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,20,1,1,2,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,130,10,5,13,15,26,13,"0,5",2,The support vehicle
Tankhunter,Tankhunter,Armour,Vehicle,80,1,12,2,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,470,10,13,47,15,94,47,"1,3",2,The Tankhunter is a medium armored fighting vehicle that can pose a threat even to heavier tanks. Striking from cover or concealment it can be an effective counter to enemy armored assaults but succombs to medium tanks or even light tanks in prolonged combat. Vulnerable to AT fire.
Transport Truck,TransportTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,110,10,0,11,15,22,11,0,2,The Transport truck is the working horse of all motorized armys. It can transport soldiers into battle but sacrifices protection for extra speed and reliabilty. Vulnerable to anything but small arms.
Conscripts,Conscripts,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",2,"These soldiers were pressed into service by the military authorities and armed only with subpar equipment. Consequently, their morale is quite low and they should not be expected to fight very hard."
Militia,Militia,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",2,"Ordinary citizens defending their homeland, armed with everything that could be scrounged from storage. They are only rudimentarily trained and will not pose a real threat to any sizable force."
Breacher Squad,BreacherSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,4,0.3,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,205,20,4,0,20,41,"20,5","0,4",2,The Breacher squads form the armored spearhead of any boarding assault. In dire situations the boarding shields may also be used in urban combat. Less vulnerable to small arms fire than regular infantry while in the corridors of space-ships.
Commando Unit,CommandoUnit,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,stealth II,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,The Commando Units strengh comes from striking from a concealed position in a precision strike against valuable enemy targets.
Heavy Infantry,HeavyInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",2,The Heavy Infantry is equipped with body armor and armed with stronger weaponry at the costs of their mobility.
Light Infantry,LightInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2",2,The Light Infantry is a fast moving assault squad used for quick attacks or reconnaissance tasks. It lacks the firepower and armaments of standard infantry at the benefit of speed and agility.
Marine Squad,MarineSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,The Marine Squad is tasked with protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults and has low ground fighting capabilites.
Mountaineer Squad,MountaineerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,185,20,2,0,20,37,"18,5","0,2","1,5",The Mountaineer Squad is made up of light infantry with specialized equipment and training for mountainous terrain.
Pioneer Squad,PioneerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,1,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,185,20,1,0,20,37,"18,5","0,1","1,5",The Pioneer Squad is tasked my a mulitude of battlefield challenges like demolition or construction of defences as well as field repairs.
Sniper Team,SniperTeam,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,0.5,0.9,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,stealth I,105,20,5,0,20,21,"10,5","0,5",1,A single bullet or blaster shot can sometimes be more effective than a hail of bullets. The Sniper squad strikes from a stealthed postion and can target specific enemy units.
Standard Infantry,StandardInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2","1,5",The Standard Infantry is the main body of any army. Its a well balanced unit able to hold its ground against lesser infantry units but is easily outmatched by armor or anti infantry fire.
Command Tank,CommandTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,4,4,0.3,0.5,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,525,10,9,53,15,105,"52,5","0,9","1,5",The Command Tank is a mobile base of operation usually occupied by a captain and a comsat team. The crew can establish an HQ uplink from a relativly save armored position inside the tank. Vulnerable to AT fire.
Heavy Command Tank,HeavyCommandTank,Armour,Vehicle,115,4,4,0.3,0.5,4,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,660,10,9,66,15,132,66,"0,9","1,5",The Heavy Command Tank is a heavily armored but slow moving mobile base of operation usually occupied by a captain and a comsat team. The crew can establish an HQ uplink from a well armored position inside the tank. Vulnerable to heavy AT fire.
Mortar Truck,MortarTruck,Armour,Artillery,20,2,5,1,0.3,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,130,12,10,0,10,26,13,1,"1,5",The Mortar Truck is crewed by a team of artillerists that mounted their anti personal mortar on the cars back. This quickly assembled unit can be an effective counter to entrentched enemy infantry but quickly withers away in prolongued fights. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Medic Truck,MedicTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,105,10,0,11,15,21,"10,5",0,2,The Medic Truck is crewed by medical personel and is eager to save lives on the battlefield. Vulnerable to everything except small arms fire.
Heavy Scout Vehicle,HeavyScoutVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,45,4,5,1,0.65,1.5,0,0,0.25,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,315,10,15,32,15,63,"31,5","1,5",2,
Transport Vehicle,TransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,45,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,230,10,0,23,15,46,23,0,"1,5",
Light Transport Vehicle,LightTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,40,0,0,0,0,0.45,0,0,0,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,205,10,0,21,15,41,"20,5",0,2,
Medic Squad,MedicSquad,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",2,
Tank Crew,TankCrew,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",2,
Fast Attack Vehicle,FastAttackVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,25,3,5,1.5,0.55,1.45,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,200,10,12,20,15,40,20,"1,2",1,
Hazard Squad,HazardSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",2,
Heavy Hazard Squad,HeavyHazardSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.6,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,
Mortar Squad,MortarSquad,Infantry,Artillery,30,2,7,0.5,0.35,1,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,190,12,12,0,10,38,19,"1,2",2,
Heavy Flak Cannon,HeavyFlakCannon,Armour,Cannon,40,5,6,1,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,325,15,35,0,10,65,"32,5","3,5","1,5",
Anti Material Rifle Squad,AntiMaterialRifleSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,2,0.75,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,115,20,6,0,20,23,"11,5","0,6","1,5",
Light Attack Fighter,LightAttackFighter,Armour,Aircraft,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.7,12,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,125,0,0,0,0,25,"12,5",0,2,
Command Squad,OfficerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",0,
Recovery Truck,RecoveryTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,110,10,0,11,15,22,11,0,0,
Recovery Tank,RecoveryTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,5,4,0.5,0.6,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,545,10,13,55,15,109,"54,5","1,3",1,
Comsat Squad,ComsatSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,3,,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,"Equipped with a standard issue comsat unit worn on the back of the comms specialist, a comsat squad can establish a stable HQ uplink the midst of battle allowing for faster reporting of enemy movements as well as directing of artillery."
Whythler Unit Variants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,
Mortar Squad,MortarSquad_W,Infantry,Artillery,30,2,7,0.5,0.35,1,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,190,12,12,0,10,38,19,"1,2",2,
Marine Squad,MarineSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,The Marine Squad is tasked with protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults and has low ground fighting capabilites.
Pioneer Squad,PioneerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,1,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,185,20,1,0,20,37,"18,5","0,1",2,The Pioneer Squad is tasked my a mulitude of battlefield challenges like demolition or construction of defences as well as field repairs.
Sniper Team,SniperTeam_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,0.5,0.9,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stealth I,105,20,5,0,20,21,"10,5","0,5",2,A single bullet or blaster shot can sometimes be more effective than a hail of bullets. The Sniper squad strikes from a stealthed postion and can target specific enemy units.
Standard Infantry,StandardInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,The Standard Infantry is the main body of any army. Its a well balanced unit able to hold its ground against lesser infantry units but is easily outmatched by armor or anti infantry fire.
Light Infantry,LightInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2",2,The Light Infantry is a fast moving assault squad used for quick attacks or reconnaissance tasks. It lacks the firepower and armaments of standard infantry at the benefit of speed and agility.
Heavy Infantry,HeavyInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",2,The Heavy Infantry is equipped with body armor and armed with stronger weaponry at the costs of their mobility.
Command Squad,OfficerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",2,
Mountaineer Squad,MountaineerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,185,20,2,0,20,37,"18,5","0,2",2,The Mountaineer Squad is made up of light infantry with specialized equipment and training for mountainous terrain.
Commando Unit,CommandoUnit_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stealth II,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,The Commando Units strengh comes from striking from a concealed position in a precision strike against valuable enemy targets.
Comsat Squad,ComsatSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,"Equipped with a standard issue comsat unit worn on the back of the comms specialist, a comsat squad can establish a stable HQ uplink the midst of battle allowing for faster reporting of enemy movements as well as directing of artillery."
Anti Material Rifle Squad,AntiMaterialRifleSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,2,0.75,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,115,20,6,0,20,23,"11,5","0,6",0,
Medic Squad,MedicSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",0,
Conscripts,Conscripts_W,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",1,"These soldiers were pressed into service by the military authorities and armed only with subpar equipment. Consequently, their morale is quite low and they should not be expected to fight very hard."
Militia,Militia_W,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1","1,5","Ordinary citizens defending their homeland, armed with everything that could be scrounged from storage. They are only rudimentarily trained and will not pose a real threat to any sizable force."
Heavy Artillery Tank,RokurantHArtilleryTank,Armour,Artillery,90,1,26,1.5,0.5,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,560,12,32,0,10,112,56,"3,2",2,
Siegebreaker Tank,RokurantSiegebreakerTank,Armour,Vehicle,95,1,20,3,0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,595,10,18,60,15,119,"59,5","1,8",2,
Bulk Transporter,RokurantTransporter,Armour,Vehicle,100,2,2,0,0.6,3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,545,10,3,55,15,109,"54,5","0,3",2,
Heavy Rocket Vehicle,RokurantRocketVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,60,3,14,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,355,10,11,36,15,71,"35,5","1,1","1,5",
Rokurant Infantry,RokurantInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,
Heavy Infantry,RokurantHInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,215,20,2,0,20,43,"21,5","0,2",0,
Storm Pioneers,RokurantStormPioneers,Infantry,Infantry,45,1,2,0,0.5,0.55,0,0,0,1.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,2,,240,20,1,0,20,48,24,"0,1","1,5",
Transport Truck,RokurantTransportTruck,Armour,Vehicle,50,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,255,10,0,26,15,51,"25,5",0,"1,5",
Fast Assault Tank,VoteineFastAssaultTank,Armour,Vehicle,40,1/2,8/3,3/1,0.75/0.8,1,10,1,0.35,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,370,10,12,37,15,74,37,"1,2",2,
Hover Tank,VoteineHoverTank,Armour,Vehicle,45,3,5,1.5,0.8,2,10,1,0.15,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,420,10,15,42,15,84,42,"1,5",2,
Light Hover Tank,VoteineLHoverTank,Armour,Vehicle,40,3,5,1.5,0.75,1.45,0,1,0.3,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,290,10,15,29,15,58,29,"1,5",0,
Voteine Infantry,VoteineInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,32,2,4,0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0,0.8,3,0,10,100,100,100,,,190,20,4,0,20,38,19,"0,4",0,
Voteine Infantry Elite,VoteineInfantryElite,Infantry,Infantry,38,3,4,0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0,0.8,3,0,10,100,100,100,,,230,20,6,0,20,46,23,"0,6","1,5",
Voteine Drones,VoteineDrones,Infantry,Infantry,8,1,1,0,0.4,0.3,0,0,0.75,1,0,0,10,100,100,100,,,45,20,1,0,20,9,"4,5","0,1","1,5",
Husain Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad1,Armour,Vehicle,60,4,4,2,0.8,1,20,1,0.6,6,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,595,10,17,60,15,119,"59,5","1,7","1,5",
Winhali Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad2,Armour,Vehicle,60,2/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.8/0.7,1,20,1,0.65,6,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,565,10,11,57,15,113,"56,5","1,1","1,5",
Lenphra Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad3,Armour,Vehicle,60,2/1,4/10,2/4,0.8/0.7,1,20,1,0.55,6,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,565,10,11,57,15,113,"56,5","1,1","1,5",
Light Attack Speeder,WythlerLAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,70,3,4,4,0.85,2,20,2,0.3,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,665,10,19,67,15,133,"66,5","1,9","1,5",
Attack Speeder,WythlerAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,90,1/3,12/4,4/2,0.85/0.7,2,20,2,0.35,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,745,10,15,75,15,149,"74,5","1,5","1,5",
Heavy Attack Speeder,WythlerHAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,100,1/4,18/4,5/2,0.85/0.7,2.5,30,2,0.2,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,955,10,26,96,15,191,"95,5","2,6",2,
Heavy Transport Speeder,WythlerHTransportSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,90,3,4,4,0.85,3,30,2,0.2,4,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,875,10,19,88,15,175,"87,5","1,9",2,
Transport Vehicle,WythlerTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,75,2,1,1,0.7,0.75,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,400,10,4,40,15,80,40,"0,4",2,
Wythler Squad,WythlerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,45,3/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,20,1,0,,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,510,20,12,0,20,102,51,"1,2",2,
Power Armour Squad,PowerArmourSquad,Infantry,Infantry,45,3/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,20,1,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,510,20,12,0,20,102,51,"1,2",0,
Wyth Palace Guard,WythPalaceGuard,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,3,0,0.8,1,10,2.5,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,335,20,4,0,20,67,"33,5","0,4",0,
Elysian Light Commando Vehicle,ElysiaLCommandoVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,30,4,5,1.5,0.65,1.75,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,,,,250,10,16,25,15,50,25,"1,6",2,
Elysian Assault APC,ElysianAssaultAPC,Armour,Vehicle,45,3,4,2,0.65,2,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,305,10,12,31,15,61,"30,5","1,2",2,
Elysian Oathsworn Squad,ElysianOathswornSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,3,3,0,0.65,0.5,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,,,,210,20,5,0,20,42,21,"0,5",0,
Elysian Light Mechs,ElysianLightMechs,Armour,Vehicle,45,3/4,3/2,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,,,,300,10,13,30,15,60,30,"1,3",0,
Elysian Jet Infantry,ElysianJetInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,30,2,3,0,0.65,0.5,0,0,0.2,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,175,20,3,0,20,35,"17,5","0,3","1,5",
Elysian Recon Infantry,ElysianReconInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,
Dervish Assault Tank,YarkassyAssaultTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,1/2,8/3,3/1,0.75/0.8,1,0,0,0.35,4.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,520,10,12,52,15,104,52,"1,2",0,
Desert Raider Squad,YarkassyDesertRaiderSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stealth II,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,
Elite Marksmen Squad,YarkassyEliteMarksmen,Infantry,Infantry,18,1,5,0.5,0.95,0,0,0,0.25,1.3,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,120,20,5,0,20,24,12,"0,5",2,
Ghar Haclem Ark'venuur Serpents,YarkassySerpents,Infantry,Infantry,25,3,2,0.5,0.45,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,145,20,3,0,20,29,"14,5","0,3",2,
Arca Scum,ArcaScum,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stealth I,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",0,
Arca Veterans,ArcaVeterans,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",2,
Arca Raiders,ArcaRaiders,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,1,0,10,100,100,,,,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",2,
Cryo-Clone Squad,ZamiCryoCloneSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,2,2,0,0.75,0,0,0,0,1.5,1,0,10,100,100,100,0,,140,20,3,0,20,28,14,"0,3",2,
Immortals Cryo-Clone Squad,ImmortalsCryo-CloneSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,3,2,0,0.8,0.55,0,0,0,1.5,1,0,10,100,100,100,0,,205,20,4,0,20,41,"20,5","0,4",2,
Zami War Tripod,ZamiWarTripod,Armour,Vehicle,100,2/6,4/1,2.5/0,0.8/0.8,2.5,20,1,0,2,1,0,10,100,100,,,,785,10,12,79,15,157,"78,5","1,2",2,
Zami War Strider,ZamiWarStrider,Armour,Vehicle,85,1/7,4/1,2.5/0,0.75/0.75,2,20,1,0,2,1,0,10,100,100,,,,685,10,8,69,15,137,"68,5","0,8",2,
Conscripted Miner Slaves,ConscriptedMinerSlaves,City,Infantry,12,2,3,0,0.45,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,75,20,3,0,20,15,"7,5","0,3","1,5",
Satyr-9 Varanguard,Satyr9Varanguard,City,Infantry,40,3,3,0.5,0.9,1,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,0,,260,20,7,0,20,52,26,"0,7",0,
Krioss Ravager Pack,KriossRavagerPack,Infantry,Infantry,50,5,2,1,0.45,0.75,0,0,1,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,290,20,5,0,20,58,29,"0,5",0,
Snagaa Newborn,SnagaaNewborn,Infantry,Infantry,15,2,1,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,1.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,80,20,1,0,20,16,8,"0,1",2,
Axa Axa,AxaAxa,Infantry,Vehicle,45,4,1,0,0.7,0.5,10,2.5,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,345,10,3,35,15,69,"34,5","0,3",2,
Headtaker Commando,HeadtakerCommando,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,0,10,100,100,100,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Hareen Cari Immortals,HareenCariImmortals,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,0,10,100,100,100,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Clan Warriors,ExanClanWarriors,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Republic Remnants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,
Republican Guard,MethaphorRepublicanGuard,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Green Guard (Elite Mountain Troops),MethaphorGreenGuard,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,2,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,215,20,2,0,20,43,"21,5","0,2","1,5",
Grav-Chute Squad,GravChuteSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0.2,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2","1,5",The Jump Troopers that are equipped with Grav-Chutes are a specialized formation in the ranks of the Republic.
Heavy Mountain Brigade,HeavyMountainBrigade,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2","1,5",The Heavy Mountain Brigade
Republic Marines ,RepublicMarines,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2","1,5","The Republic Marines are a specialized force established by Castor Caine. While experienced in protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults they are also experts at planetary guerillia fighting, armed to the teeth with every weapon the Remants can spare."
Laser Supressor Tank,LaserSupressorTank,Armour,Vehicle,60,6,4,2,0.4,2,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,390,10,14,39,15,78,39,"1,4","1,5",The Laser Supressor Tank is a
Light Universal Carrier,LightUniversalCarrier,Armour,Vehicle,15,0,0,0,0,0.3,0,0,0.1,5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,80,10,0,8,15,16,8,0,"1,5",
Old Tank,OldTank1,Armour,Vehicle,70,2/5,9/4,2.5/0.5,0.5/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,450,10,14,45,15,90,45,"1,4","1,5",
Old Tank,OldTank2,Armour,Vehicle,75,2/5,10/4,3/0.5,0.6/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,495,10,18,50,15,99,"49,5","1,8",2,
Old Tank,OldTank3,Armour,Vehicle,80,2/4,11/4,3/0.5,0.7/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,540,10,22,54,15,108,54,"2,2",2,
Old Transport Vehicle,OldTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,35,0,0,0,0,0.4,0,0,0,3.5,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,180,10,0,18,15,36,18,0,0,
Old Transport Tank,OldTransportTank,Armour,Vehicle,75,2,3,0.3,0.6,2.5,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,425,10,5,43,15,85,"42,5","0,5",0,
Tank Hunter Squad,TankHunterSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1/2,10/2,3/0,0.4/0.6,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,155,20,8,0,20,31,"15,5","0,8",2,The Tank Hunter Squad is a team of anti tank specialists that are able to inflict damage on enemy light vehicles with their anti tank weaponry. Against larger better armored threats their penetration power lacks behind any AT cannon though.
Demolition Squad,DemolitionSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,,,90,20,2,0,20,18,9,"0,2",2,The Demolition Squad can be used in dire situations to combat enemy armor when striking from cover or concealment. In open warfare their talents in destruction of enemy armor may not be applied.
Royal Guard,NoserRoyalGuard,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Stalker Squad,NoserStalkerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,3,0,10,100,100,100,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Caer Bannoq,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
Realm Hunters,CaerBannoqRealmHunters,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Vesparusian Militia,VesparusMilitia,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Freekorps Caine,VesparusFreekorps,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Tunnel Fighter,InobriaTunnelFighter,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,
Sartorius Rax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
Heavy Infantry,SartoriusHeavyInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,32,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,180,20,3,0,20,36,18,"0,3",2,
Longclaw Pack,SpiceLongclawPack,Infantry,Infantry,16,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,100,20,3,0,20,20,10,"0,3",0,
Tunneler Pack,SpiceTunnelerPack,Infantry,Infantry,20,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,2,0,10,100,100,100,1,,120,20,3,0,20,24,12,"0,3",0,
Healer Pack,SpiceHealerPack,Infantry,Infantry,14,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,,,,,,,,,90,20,3,0,20,18,9,"0,3",0,
Full Name,Short Name,Factory Type,Unit Type,Hitpoints,Attack Count,Damage,Penetration,Accuracy,Armour,Shields,Shield Regeneration,Evasion,Movement,Equipment Slots,Inventory Slots,Morale,Defence Bonus,Abilities,Credit Cost,Recruit Cost,Supplies Cost,Fuel Cost ,Food Cost,Build Time,Credit Upkeep,Supply Upkeep,Food Upkeep,Fuel Capacity,Food Capacity,Supplies Capacity,Description
Anti Tank Gun,AntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,30,1,18,5,0.8,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,285,15,37,0,10,57,"28,5","3,7","1,5",100,100,100,The AT Gun is a solid defence against light and medium tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Artillery Gun,ArtilleryGun,Armour,Artillery,24,1,22,1,0.4,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,185,12,22,0,10,37,"18,5","2,2","1,5",100,100,100,The Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on unprotected infantry and unarmored vehicles. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Artillery Tank,ArtilleryTank,Armour,Artillery,60,1,22,1,0.5,1,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,375,12,26,0,10,75,"37,5","2,6","1,5",100,100,100,The Artillery Tank encompasses the mobility and armor of a medium tank and is armed with an artillery cannon that can bombard enemy positions. Beware enemy tanks and AT guns.
Flak Cannon,FlakCannon,Armour,Cannon,20,6,5,0.5,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,220,15,33,0,10,44,22,"3,3","1,5",100,100,100,The Flak Cannon is nececity for keeping the air space secure be it on the battlefield or in the camp. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Flak Truck,FlakTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,5,3,2,0.6,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,170,10,13,17,15,34,17,"1,3",1,100,100,100,The Flak Truck combines the mobility of an unarmored vehicle with the anti-air capabilites of the flak cannon. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Tekki Truck,TekkiTruck,City,Vehicle,20,1,6,2,0.4,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,140,10,7,14,15,28,14,"0,7",1,100,100,100,The Tekki Truck is crewed by a team of tankhunters that mounted their anti material rifle on the cars back. This quickly assembled unit can be an effective counter to lightly armored vehicles but quickly withers away in prolongued fights. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Anti Tank Truck,AntiTankTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,1,8,3,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,165,10,12,17,15,33,"16,5","1,2",1,100,100,100,The AT Truck combines the mobility of an unarmored vehicle with the anti tank capabilities of the AT cannon. The AT Gun is a solid defence against armored vehicles that can also be a threat to light and medium tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Flak Halftrack,FlakHalftrack,Armour,Vehicle,20,5,5,0.5,0.65,1,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,200,10,18,20,15,40,20,"1,8","1,5",100,100,100,The Flak Halftrack combines the mobility of a lighlty armored vehicle with the anti-air capabilites of the flak cannon. In desperate situations the gunners can turn the cannon on lighly armored vehicles or infantry. Vulnerable to flak fire and anti-tank weapons.
Heavy Anti Tank Gun,HeavyAntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,40,1,25,6,0.8,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,3,,370,15,48,0,10,74,37,"4,8",1,100,100,100,The heavy AT Gun is a solid defence against medium tanks that can also be a threat to heavy tanks. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Heavy Artillery Gun,HeavyArtilleryGun,Armour,Cannon,35,1,30,1.5,0.4,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,3,,260,15,23,0,10,52,26,"2,3",1,100,100,100,The heavy Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as light tanks and vehicles. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Heavy Rocket Artillery,HeavyRocketArtillery,Armour,Artillery,35,3,20,1.5,0.18,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,3,,380,12,78,0,10,76,38,"7,8","1,5",100,100,100,The heavy Rocket Artillery can unleash a short but devastating barrage onto enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as light tanks and vehicles. This capability comes at the cost of cosistency and precision. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Heavy Tank,HeavyTank,Armour,Vehicle,120,1/4,15/4,4/2,0.6/0.6,4,0,0,0,2.5,2,0,10,0,,725,10,17,73,15,145,"72,5","1,7","1,5",100,100,100,The heavy tank is the center piece of an armored assault. With its heavy armor it can withstand most AT calibers but can be outmaneuvred by faster tanks. Vulnerable only to big calibers.
Light Anti Tank Gun,LightAntiTankGun,Armour,Cannon,20,2,8,3,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,200,15,26,0,10,40,20,"2,6",1,100,100,100,The light AT Gun is a solid defence against armored vehicles that can also be a threat to light tanks. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Light Artillery Gun,LightArtilleryGun,Armour,Cannon,20,2,12,1,0.45,1,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,175,15,20,0,10,35,"17,5",2,"1,5",100,100,100,The light Artillery Gun is able to bombard enemy positions and can inflict damage on unprotected infantry and unarmored vehicles. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Light Tank,LightTank,Armour,Vehicle,60,3/5,5/4,2/1,0.6/0.6,2,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,385,10,13,39,15,77,"38,5","1,3",1,100,100,100,The light Tank is a maneuvable combat vehicle that can be a threat to all lightly armored vehicles but is easily outmatched by medium and heavy tanks. Vulnerable to AT fire of any kind.
Medium Tank,MediumTank,Armour,Vehicle,100,2/5,10/4,3/1,0.6/0.6,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,620,10,18,62,15,124,62,"1,8","1,5",100,100,100,The Medium Tank is the main battle tank of most armored formations as is a formidable foe to all smaller armored tanks and vehicles. When outnumbered a heavy tank can also be outmaneuvered by a group of medium tanks. A single medium tank always succombs to his bigger counterparts. Vulnerable to sustaint or heavy AT fire.
Rocket Artillery,RocketArtillery,Armour,Artillery,10,3,14,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,3,,105,12,21,0,10,21,"10,5","2,1","1,5",100,100,100,The heavy Rocket Artillery can unleash a short barrage onto enemy positions and can inflict severe damage on infantry as well as unarmored ehicles. This capability comes at the cost of cosistency and precision. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Scout Vehicle,ScoutVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,40,4,4,1,0.7,1,0,0,0.3,5,2,0,10,0,,280,10,14,28,15,56,28,"1,4","1,5",100,100,100,The scout vehicle is a lighly armored recon tank which is crewd by pioneers or scouts. With its ComSat uplink it can quickly transmit information about enemy movements back to base and conseal itself in woodlands or jungles. Vulnerable to flak and AT fire.
Super Heavy Artillery Gun,SuperHeavyArtilleryGun,Armour,Artillery,40,1,50,2,0.3,2,0,0,0,0.2,2,0,10,3,,315,12,38,0,10,63,"31,5","3,8","1,5",100,100,100,The super heavy Artillery Gun is able to devastate enemy positions and can inflict earthshattering damage on any enemy units. Vulnerable to flak or tank fire.
Super Heavy Tank,SuperHeavyTank,Armour,Vehicle,150,1/3,20/4,5/2,0.6/0.6,5,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,0,,910,10,22,91,15,182,91,"2,2",2,100,100,100,"The super heavy tank is the undisputed king of the battlefield. With its tremendous armarments and its superior battle cannon it can turn even heavy tanks into smithering wrecks. This comes at the price of flexibility, speed and ease of repair. Vulnerable only to the strongest guns in the enemys arsenal."
Support Vehicle,SupportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,20,1,1,2,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,130,10,5,13,15,26,13,"0,5",2,100,100,100,The support vehicle is used as a multi purpose craft to help the fighting force.
Tankhunter,Tankhunter,Armour,Vehicle,80,1,12,2,0.7,0.5,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,2,,470,10,13,47,15,94,47,"1,3",2,100,100,100,The Tankhunter is a medium armored fighting vehicle that can pose a threat even to heavier tanks. Striking from cover or concealment it can be an effective counter to enemy armored assaults but succombs to medium tanks or even light tanks in prolonged combat. Vulnerable to AT fire.
Transport Truck,TransportTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,110,10,0,11,15,22,11,0,2,100,100,100,The Transport truck is the working horse of all motorized armys. It can transport soldiers into battle but sacrifices protection for extra speed and reliabilty. Vulnerable to anything but small arms.
Conscripts,Conscripts,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,2,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",2,100,100,100,"These soldiers were pressed into service by the military authorities and armed only with subpar equipment. Consequently, their morale is quite low and they should not be expected to fight very hard."
Militia,Militia,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,2,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",2,100,100,100,"Ordinary citizens defending their homeland, armed with everything that could be scrounged from storage. They are only rudimentarily trained and will not pose a real threat to any sizable force."
Breacher Squad,BreacherSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,4,0.3,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,0,,205,20,4,0,20,41,"20,5","0,4",2,100,100,100,The Breacher squads form the armored spearhead of any boarding assault. In dire situations the boarding shields may also be used in urban combat. Less vulnerable to small arms fire than regular infantry while in the corridors of space-ships.
Commando Unit,CommandoUnit,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,0,stealth II,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,100,100,100,The Commando Units strengh comes from striking from a concealed position in a precision strike against valuable enemy targets.
Heavy Infantry,HeavyInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,2,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",2,100,100,100,The Heavy Infantry is equipped with body armor and armed with stronger weaponry at the costs of their mobility.
Light Infantry,LightInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,1,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,The Light Infantry is a fast moving assault squad used for quick attacks or reconnaissance tasks. It lacks the firepower and armaments of standard infantry at the benefit of speed and agility.
Marine Squad,MarineSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,0,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,100,100,100,The Marine Squad is tasked with protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults and has low ground fighting capabilites.
Mountaineer Squad,MountaineerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,0,,185,20,2,0,20,37,"18,5","0,2","1,5",100,100,100,The Mountaineer Squad is made up of light infantry with specialized equipment and training for mountainous terrain.
Pioneer Squad,PioneerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,1,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,2,,185,20,1,0,20,37,"18,5","0,1","1,5",100,100,100,The Pioneer Squad is tasked my a mulitude of battlefield challenges like demolition or construction of defences as well as field repairs.
Sniper Team,SniperTeam,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,0.5,0.9,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,1,stealth I,105,20,5,0,20,21,"10,5","0,5",1,100,100,100,A single bullet or blaster shot can sometimes be more effective than a hail of bullets. The Sniper squad strikes from a stealthed postion and can target specific enemy units.
Standard Infantry,StandardInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2","1,5",100,100,100,The Standard Infantry is the main body of any army. Its a well balanced unit able to hold its ground against lesser infantry units but is easily outmatched by armor or anti infantry fire.
Command Tank,CommandTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,4,4,0.3,0.5,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,525,10,9,53,15,105,"52,5","0,9","1,5",100,100,100,The Command Tank is a mobile base of operation usually occupied by a captain and a comsat team. The crew can establish an HQ uplink from a relativly save armored position inside the tank. Vulnerable to AT fire.
Heavy Command Tank,HeavyCommandTank,Armour,Vehicle,115,4,4,0.3,0.5,4,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,0,,660,10,9,66,15,132,66,"0,9","1,5",100,100,100,The Heavy Command Tank is a heavily armored but slow moving mobile base of operation usually occupied by a captain and a comsat team. The crew can establish an HQ uplink from a well armored position inside the tank. Vulnerable to heavy AT fire.
Mortar Truck,MortarTruck,Armour,Artillery,20,2,5,1,0.3,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,130,12,10,0,10,26,13,1,"1,5",100,100,100,The Mortar Truck is crewed by a team of artillerists that mounted their anti personal mortar on the cars back. This quickly assembled unit can be an effective counter to entrentched enemy infantry but quickly withers away in prolongued fights. Vulnerable to everything but small arms fire.
Medic Truck,MedicTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,105,10,0,11,15,21,"10,5",0,2,100,100,100,The Medic Truck is crewed by medical personel and is eager to save lives on the battlefield. Vulnerable to everything except small arms fire.
Heavy Scout Vehicle,HeavyScoutVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,45,4,5,1,0.65,1.5,0,0,0.25,4.5,2,0,10,0,,315,10,15,32,15,63,"31,5","1,5",2,100,100,100,The Heavy Scout vehicle sacrifices some of its movement speed for additional armor plates. It makes the vehicle Scout vehicle less vulnerable to small arms fire and light anti armor fire.
Transport Vehicle,TransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,45,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,0,,230,10,0,23,15,46,23,0,"1,5",100,100,100,
Light Transport Vehicle,LightTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,40,0,0,0,0,0.45,0,0,0,4.5,2,0,10,0,,205,10,0,21,15,41,"20,5",0,2,100,100,100,
Medic Squad,MedicSquad,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,3,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",2,100,100,100,The Medic Squad
Tank Crew,TankCrew,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,0,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",2,100,100,100,
Fast Attack Vehicle,FastAttackVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,25,3,5,1.5,0.55,1.45,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,0,,200,10,12,20,15,40,20,"1,2",1,100,100,100,
Hazard Squad,HazardSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,2,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",2,100,100,100,
Heavy Hazard Squad,HeavyHazardSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.6,2,0,10,2,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,100,100,100,
Mortar Squad,MortarSquad,Infantry,Artillery,30,2,7,0.5,0.35,1,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,190,12,12,0,10,38,19,"1,2",2,100,100,100,
Heavy Flak Cannon,HeavyFlakCannon,Armour,Cannon,40,5,6,1,0.7,1,0,0,0,0.3,2,0,10,3,,325,15,35,0,10,65,"32,5","3,5","1,5",100,100,100,
Anti Material Rifle Squad,AntiMaterialRifleSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,2,0.75,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,2,,115,20,6,0,20,23,"11,5","0,6","1,5",100,100,100,
Light Attack Fighter,LightAttackFighter,Armour,Aircraft,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.7,12,2,0,10,0,,125,0,0,0,0,25,"12,5",0,2,100,100,100,
Command Squad,OfficerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,3,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",0,100,100,100,
Recovery Truck,RecoveryTruck,Armour,Vehicle,20,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3.8,2,0,10,0,,110,10,0,11,15,22,11,0,0,100,100,100,
Recovery Tank,RecoveryTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,5,4,0.5,0.6,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,545,10,13,55,15,109,"54,5","1,3",1,100,100,100,
Comsat Squad,ComsatSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,3,,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,100,100,100,"Equipped with a standard issue comsat unit worn on the back of the comms specialist, a comsat squad can establish a stable HQ uplink the midst of battle allowing for faster reporting of enemy movements as well as directing of artillery."
Whythler Unit Variants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mortar Squad,MortarSquad_W,Infantry,Artillery,30,2,7,0.5,0.35,1,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,,,190,12,12,0,10,38,19,"1,2",2,100,100,100,
Marine Squad,MarineSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,100,100,100,The Marine Squad is tasked with protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults and has low ground fighting capabilites.
Pioneer Squad,PioneerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,1,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,2,,185,20,1,0,20,37,"18,5","0,1",2,100,100,100,The Pioneer Squad is tasked my a mulitude of battlefield challenges like demolition or construction of defences as well as field repairs.
Sniper Team,SniperTeam_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,0.5,0.9,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,,stealth I,105,20,5,0,20,21,"10,5","0,5",2,100,100,100,A single bullet or blaster shot can sometimes be more effective than a hail of bullets. The Sniper squad strikes from a stealthed postion and can target specific enemy units.
Standard Infantry,StandardInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,The Standard Infantry is the main body of any army. Its a well balanced unit able to hold its ground against lesser infantry units but is easily outmatched by armor or anti infantry fire.
Light Infantry,LightInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,1,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,The Light Infantry is a fast moving assault squad used for quick attacks or reconnaissance tasks. It lacks the firepower and armaments of standard infantry at the benefit of speed and agility.
Heavy Infantry,HeavyInfantry_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",2,100,100,100,The Heavy Infantry is equipped with body armor and armed with stronger weaponry at the costs of their mobility.
Command Squad,OfficerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,25,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,,,140,20,2,0,20,28,14,"0,2",2,100,100,100,
Mountaineer Squad,MountaineerSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,185,20,2,0,20,37,"18,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,The Mountaineer Squad is made up of light infantry with specialized equipment and training for mountainous terrain.
Commando Unit,CommandoUnit_W,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,,stealth II,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,100,100,100,The Commando Units strengh comes from striking from a concealed position in a precision strike against valuable enemy targets.
Comsat Squad,ComsatSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,,,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2",2,100,100,100,"Equipped with a standard issue comsat unit worn on the back of the comms specialist, a comsat squad can establish a stable HQ uplink the midst of battle allowing for faster reporting of enemy movements as well as directing of artillery."
Anti Material Rifle Squad,AntiMaterialRifleSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,5,2,0.75,0,0,0,0.2,1.2,2,0,10,,,115,20,6,0,20,23,"11,5","0,6",0,100,100,100,
Medic Squad,MedicSquad_W,Infantry,Infantry,10,1,1,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,55,20,1,0,20,11,"5,5","0,1",0,100,100,100,
Conscripts,Conscripts_W,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1",1,100,100,100,"These soldiers were pressed into service by the military authorities and armed only with subpar equipment. Consequently, their morale is quite low and they should not be expected to fight very hard."
Militia,Militia_W,City,Infantry,10,1,3,0,0.4,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,60,20,1,0,20,12,6,"0,1","1,5",100,100,100,"Ordinary citizens defending their homeland, armed with everything that could be scrounged from storage. They are only rudimentarily trained and will not pose a real threat to any sizable force."
Light Tank,RokurantLightTank,Armour,Vehicle,60,3/5,5/4,2/1,0.6/0.6,2,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,385,10,13,39,15,77,"38,5","1,3",1,100,100,100,The light Tank is a maneuvable combat vehicle that can be a threat to all lightly armored vehicles but is easily outmatched by medium and heavy tanks. Vulnerable to AT fire of any kind.
Medium Tank,RokurantMediumTank,Armour,Vehicle,100,2/5,10/4,3/1,0.6/0.6,3,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,0,,620,10,18,62,15,124,62,"1,8","1,5",100,100,100,The Medium Tank is the main battle tank of most armored formations as is a formidable foe to all smaller armored tanks and vehicles. When outnumbered a heavy tank can also be outmaneuvered by a group of medium tanks. A single medium tank always succombs to his bigger counterparts. Vulnerable to sustaint or heavy AT fire.
Heavy Artillery Tank,RokurantHArtilleryTank,Armour,Artillery,90,1,26,1.5,0.5,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,560,12,32,0,10,112,56,"3,2",2,100,100,100,
Siegebreaker Tank,RokurantSiegebreakerTank,Armour,Vehicle,95,1,20,3,0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,595,10,18,60,15,119,"59,5","1,8",2,100,100,100,
Bulk Transporter,RokurantTransporter,Armour,Vehicle,100,2,2,0,0.6,3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,545,10,3,55,15,109,"54,5","0,3",2,100,100,100,
Heavy Rocket Vehicle,RokurantRocketVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,60,3,14,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0.5,2,0,10,,,355,10,11,36,15,71,"35,5","1,1","1,5",100,100,100,
Rokurant Infantry,RokurantInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,100,100,100,
Heavy Infantry,RokurantHInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,215,20,2,0,20,43,"21,5","0,2",0,100,100,100,
Storm Pioneers,RokurantStormPioneers,Infantry,Infantry,45,1,2,0,0.5,0.55,0,0,0,1.5,2,0,10,2,,240,20,1,0,20,48,24,"0,1","1,5",100,100,100,
Transport Truck,RokurantTransportTruck,Armour,Vehicle,50,0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,4,2,0,10,,,255,10,0,26,15,51,"25,5",0,"1,5",100,100,100,
Fast Assault Tank,VoteineFastAssaultTank,Armour,Vehicle,40,1/2,8/3,3/1,0.75/0.8,1,10,1,0.35,5,2,0,10,,,370,10,12,37,15,74,37,"1,2",2,100,100,100,
Hover Tank,VoteineHoverTank,Armour,Vehicle,45,3,5,1.5,0.8,2,10,1,0.15,5,2,0,10,,,420,10,15,42,15,84,42,"1,5",2,100,100,100,
Light Hover Tank,VoteineLHoverTank,Armour,Vehicle,40,3,5,1.5,0.75,1.45,0,1,0.3,5,2,0,10,,,290,10,15,29,15,58,29,"1,5",0,100,100,100,
Voteine Infantry,VoteineInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,32,2,4,0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0,0.8,3,0,10,,,190,20,4,0,20,38,19,"0,4",0,100,100,100,
Voteine Infantry Elite,VoteineInfantryElite,Infantry,Infantry,38,3,4,0,0.6,0.4,0,0,0,0.8,3,0,10,,,230,20,6,0,20,46,23,"0,6","1,5",100,100,100,
Voteine Drones,VoteineDrones,Infantry,Infantry,8,1,1,0,0.4,0.3,0,0,0.75,1,0,0,10,,,45,20,1,0,20,9,"4,5","0,1","1,5",100,100,100,
Husain Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad1,Armour,Vehicle,60,4,4,2,0.8,1,20,1,0.6,6,2,0,10,,,595,10,17,60,15,119,"59,5","1,7","1,5",100,100,100,
Winhali Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad2,Armour,Vehicle,60,2/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.8/0.7,1,20,1,0.65,6,2,0,10,,,565,10,11,57,15,113,"56,5","1,1","1,5",100,100,100,
Lenphra Jet-Bike Squad,WythlerJetBikeSquad3,Armour,Vehicle,60,2/1,4/10,2/4,0.8/0.7,1,20,1,0.55,6,2,0,10,,,565,10,11,57,15,113,"56,5","1,1","1,5",100,100,100,
Light Attack Speeder,WythlerLAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,70,3,4,4,0.85,2,20,2,0.3,5,2,0,10,,,665,10,19,67,15,133,"66,5","1,9","1,5",100,100,100,
Attack Speeder,WythlerAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,90,1/3,12/4,4/2,0.85/0.7,2,20,2,0.35,4,2,0,10,,,745,10,15,75,15,149,"74,5","1,5","1,5",100,100,100,
Heavy Attack Speeder,WythlerHAttackSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,100,1/4,18/4,5/2,0.85/0.7,2.5,30,2,0.2,4,2,0,10,,,955,10,26,96,15,191,"95,5","2,6",2,100,100,100,
Heavy Transport Speeder,WythlerHTransportSpeeder,Armour,Vehicle,90,3,4,4,0.85,3,30,2,0.2,4,2,0,10,,,875,10,19,88,15,175,"87,5","1,9",2,100,100,100,
Transport Vehicle,WythlerTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,75,2,1,1,0.7,0.75,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,400,10,4,40,15,80,40,"0,4",2,100,100,100,
Wythler Squad,WythlerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,45,3/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,20,1,0,,2,0,10,,,510,20,12,0,20,102,51,"1,2",2,100,100,100,
Power Armour Squad,PowerArmourSquad,Infantry,Infantry,45,3/4,4/3,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,20,1,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,510,20,12,0,20,102,51,"1,2",0,100,100,100,
Wyth Palace Guard,WythPalaceGuard,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,3,0,0.8,1,10,2.5,0,0.8,2,0,10,1,,335,20,4,0,20,67,"33,5","0,4",0,100,100,100,
Elysian Light Commando Vehicle,ElysiaLCommandoVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,30,4,5,1.5,0.65,1.75,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,,,250,10,16,25,15,50,25,"1,6",2,100,100,100,
Elysian Assault APC,ElysianAssaultAPC,Armour,Vehicle,45,3,4,2,0.65,2,0,0,0.2,4.5,2,0,10,1,,305,10,12,31,15,61,"30,5","1,2",2,100,100,100,
Elysian Oathsworn Squad,ElysianOathswornSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,3,3,0,0.65,0.5,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,210,20,5,0,20,42,21,"0,5",0,100,100,100,
Elysian Light Mechs,ElysianLightMechs,Armour,Vehicle,45,3/4,3/2,2/0.5,0.9/0.8,1,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,300,10,13,30,15,60,30,"1,3",0,100,100,100,
Elysian Jet Infantry,ElysianJetInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,30,2,3,0,0.65,0.5,0,0,0.2,2,2,0,10,,,175,20,3,0,20,35,"17,5","0,3","1,5",100,100,100,
Elysian Recon Infantry,ElysianReconInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,35,1/1,8/4,1/0.3,0.7/0.7,0.3,0,0,0.5,2,2,0,10,,,220,20,6,0,20,44,22,"0,6",2,100,100,100,
Dervish Assault Tank,YarkassyAssaultTank,Armour,Vehicle,90,1/2,8/3,3/1,0.75/0.8,1,0,0,0.35,4.5,2,0,10,,,520,10,12,52,15,104,52,"1,2",0,100,100,100,
Desert Raider Squad,YarkassyDesertRaiderSquad,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,,stealth II,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2",0,100,100,100,
Elite Marksmen Squad,YarkassyEliteMarksmen,Infantry,Infantry,18,1,5,0.5,0.95,0,0,0,0.25,1.3,2,0,10,,,120,20,5,0,20,24,12,"0,5",2,100,100,100,
Ghar Haclem Ark'venuur Serpents,YarkassySerpents,Infantry,Infantry,25,3,2,0.5,0.45,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,145,20,3,0,20,29,"14,5","0,3",2,100,100,100,
Arca Scum,ArcaScum,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,2,0,10,,stealth I,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",0,100,100,100,
Arca Veterans,ArcaVeterans,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,2,0,10,1,,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",2,100,100,100,
Arca Raiders,ArcaRaiders,City,Infantry,20,2,1,0,0.25,0,0,0,0,1.1,1,0,10,,,105,20,1,0,20,21,"10,5","0,1",2,100,100,,
Cryo-Clone Squad,ZamiCryoCloneSquad,Infantry,Infantry,25,2,2,0,0.75,0,0,0,0,1.5,1,0,10,0,,140,20,3,0,20,28,14,"0,3",2,100,100,100,
Immortals Cryo-Clone Squad,ZamiImmortals,Infantry,Infantry,35,3,2,0,0.8,0.55,0,0,0,1.5,1,0,10,0,,205,20,4,0,20,41,"20,5","0,4",2,100,100,100,
Zami War Tripod,ZamiWarTripod,Armour,Vehicle,100,2/6,4/1,2.5/0,0.8/0.8,2.5,20,1,0,2,1,0,10,,,785,10,12,79,15,157,"78,5","1,2",2,100,100,,
Zami War Strider,ZamiWarStrider,Armour,Vehicle,85,1/7,4/1,2.5/0,0.75/0.75,2,20,1,0,2,1,0,10,,,685,10,8,69,15,137,"68,5","0,8",2,100,100,,
Conscripted Miner Slaves,ZamiSlaves,City,Infantry,12,2,3,0,0.45,0,0,0,0,1.2,2,0,10,0,,75,20,3,0,20,15,"7,5","0,3","1,5",100,100,100,
Satyr-9 Varanguard,Satyr9Varanguard,City,Infantry,40,3,3,0.5,0.9,1,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,0,,260,20,7,0,20,52,26,"0,7",0,100,100,100,
Krioss Ravager Pack,KriossRavagerPack,Infantry,Infantry,50,5,2,1,0.45,0.75,0,0,1,5,2,0,10,,,290,20,5,0,20,58,29,"0,5",0,100,100,100,
Snagaa Newborn,SnagaaNewborn,Infantry,Infantry,15,2,1,0,0.3,0,0,0,0,1.5,2,0,10,,,80,20,1,0,20,16,8,"0,1",2,100,100,100,
Axa Axa,AxaAxa,Infantry,Vehicle,45,4,1,0,0.7,0.5,10,2.5,0,1,2,0,10,1,,345,10,3,35,15,69,"34,5","0,3",2,100,100,100,
Headtaker Commando,HeadtakerCommando,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,0,10,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Hareen Cari Immortals,HareenCariImmortals,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,0,10,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Clan Warriors,ExanClanWarriors,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Republic Remnants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,,,,
Republican Guard,MethaphorRepublicanGuard,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Green Guard (Elite Mountain Troops),MethaphorGreenGuard,Infantry,Infantry,40,2,2,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,215,20,2,0,20,43,"21,5","0,2","1,5",100,100,100,
Grav-Chute Squad,GravChuteSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0.2,2,2,0,10,,,85,20,2,0,20,17,"8,5","0,2","1,5",100,100,100,The Jump Troopers that are equipped with Grav-Chutes are a specialized formation in the ranks of the Republic.
Heavy Mountain Brigade,HeavyMountainBrigade,Infantry,Infantry,35,2,2,0,0.4,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,,,190,20,2,0,20,38,19,"0,2","1,5",100,100,100,The Heavy Mountain Brigade
Republic Marines ,RepublicMarines,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,stationson,110,20,2,0,20,22,11,"0,2","1,5",100,100,100,"The Republic Marines are a specialized force established by Castor Caine. While experienced in protecting a space vessels crew and machinery against boarding assaults they are also experts at planetary guerillia fighting, armed to the teeth with every weapon the Remants can spare."
Laser Supressor Tank,LaserSupressorTank,Armour,Vehicle,60,6,4,2,0.4,2,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,,,390,10,14,39,15,78,39,"1,4","1,5",100,100,100,The Laser Supressor Tank is a
Light Universal Carrier,LightUniversalCarrier,Armour,Vehicle,15,0,0,0,0,0.3,0,0,0.1,5,2,0,10,,,80,10,0,8,15,16,8,0,"1,5",100,100,100,
Old Tank,OldTank1,Armour,Vehicle,70,2/5,9/4,2.5/0.5,0.5/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,450,10,14,45,15,90,45,"1,4","1,5",100,100,100,
Old Tank,OldTank2,Armour,Vehicle,75,2/5,10/4,3/0.5,0.6/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,495,10,18,50,15,99,"49,5","1,8",2,100,100,100,
Old Tank,OldTank3,Armour,Vehicle,80,2/4,11/4,3/0.5,0.7/0.6,3,0,0,0,2,2,0,10,,,540,10,22,54,15,108,54,"2,2",2,100,100,100,
Old Transport Vehicle,OldTransportVehicle,Armour,Vehicle,35,0,0,0,0,0.4,0,0,0,3.5,2,0,10,,,180,10,0,18,15,36,18,0,0,100,100,100,
Old Transport Tank,OldTransportTank,Armour,Vehicle,75,2,3,0.3,0.6,2.5,0,0,0,3,2,0,10,,,425,10,5,43,15,85,"42,5","0,5",0,100,100,100,
Tank Hunter Squad,TankHunterSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1/2,10/2,3/0,0.4/0.6,0.3,0,0,0,0.8,2,0,10,,,155,20,8,0,20,31,"15,5","0,8",2,100,100,100,The Tank Hunter Squad is a team of anti tank specialists that are able to inflict damage on enemy light vehicles with their anti tank weaponry. Against larger better armored threats their penetration power lacks behind any AT cannon though.
Demolition Squad,DemolitionSquad,Infantry,Infantry,15,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,,,90,20,2,0,20,18,9,"0,2",2,100,100,100,The Demolition Squad can be used in dire situations to combat enemy armor when striking from cover or concealment. In open warfare their talents in destruction of enemy armor may not be applied.
Royal Guard,NoserRoyalGuard,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Stalker Squad,NoserStalkerSquad,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,3,0,10,,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Caer Bannoq,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,
Realm Hunters,CaerBannoqRealmHunters,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Vesparusian Militia,VesparusMilitia,City,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Freekorps Caine,VesparusFreekorps,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Tunnel Fighter,InobriaTunnelFighter,Infantry,Infantry,20,1,4,0,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,115,20,2,0,20,23,"11,5","0,2",2,100,100,100,
Sartorius Rax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,
Heavy Infantry,SartoriusHeavyInfantry,Infantry,Infantry,32,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,10,1,,180,20,3,0,20,36,18,"0,3",2,100,100,100,
Longclaw Pack,SpiceLongclawPack,Infantry,Infantry,16,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,2,0,10,1,,100,20,3,0,20,20,10,"0,3",0,100,100,100,
Tunneler Pack,SpiceTunnelerPack,Infantry,Infantry,20,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,2,0,10,1,,120,20,3,0,20,24,12,"0,3",0,100,100,100,
Healer Pack,SpiceHealerPack,Infantry,Infantry,14,2,3,0,0.6,0,0,0,0,1.4,2,0,10,,,90,20,3,0,20,18,9,"0,3",0,100,100,,

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/CommandTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/CommandoUnit.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/HeavyTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/LaserSupressorTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/LightInfantry.png View File

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+ 1
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/MediumTank old.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/MediumTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/MortarSquad.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/MortarSquad_W.png View File

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+ 15
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/NoserRoyalGuard.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/OldTank1.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/OldTank2.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/OldTank3.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/OldTransportTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/OldTransportVehicle.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RecoveryTank.png View File

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+ 15
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantHArtilleryTank.png View File

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+ 21
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantLightTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/MediumTank old.png.meta → Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantLightTank.png.meta View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantMediumTank.png View File

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+ 146
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantRocketVehicle.png View File

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+ 21
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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantSiegebreakerTank.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/RokurantTransporter.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/SartoriusHeavyInfantry.png View File

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Assets/GWConquest/Resources/UnitIcons/SartoriusInfantry.png View File

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+ 57
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m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 2100979341}
m_RootOrder: 0
@ -5527,6 +5565,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 582359426}
m_RootOrder: 0
@ -5608,6 +5647,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 565186568}
m_RootOrder: 1
@ -5975,6 +6015,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 953215319}
- {fileID: 897281677}
@ -6098,6 +6139,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 1649672913}
m_RootOrder: 7
@ -6399,6 +6441,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 1960756184}
m_RootOrder: 2
@ -6476,6 +6519,7 @@ Transform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 268018652}
- {fileID: 835318823}
@ -6713,6 +6757,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 552841626}
m_RootOrder: 1
@ -6792,6 +6837,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 427024750}
m_RootOrder: 0
@ -6874,6 +6920,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 441014867}
m_RootOrder: 7
@ -6978,6 +7025,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 486268529}
m_Father: {fileID: 1214876926}
@ -7154,6 +7202,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 1938498993}
- {fileID: 1835244094}
@ -7580,6 +7629,7 @@ Transform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 2
@ -7612,6 +7662,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 552841626}
m_RootOrder: 0
@ -7813,6 +7864,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 164200293}
- {fileID: 899437687}
@ -7935,6 +7987,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 163596414}
m_RootOrder: 0
@ -8016,6 +8069,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 2100979341}
m_RootOrder: 2
@ -8221,6 +8275,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
- {fileID: 1358070579}
- {fileID: 760498922}
@ -8439,6 +8494,7 @@ Transform:
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 321.50412, y: 650.54755, z: 820.7323}
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 6

+ 3
- 0
Assets/GWConquest/Scripts/ServerCallbacks.cs View File

@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ namespace GWConquest
public override void SceneLoadLocalDone(string scene, IProtocolToken token)
if(scene != "GalaxyMap")
foreach(Planet planet in FindObjectsOfType<Planet>())
